I suggest leaving the number thingy as it is.There are more pressing issues,than worrying about being outnumbered.The limited number upping from field in AW was a real pain in the butt.
One shouldn't be told they can't up for awhile,or switch countries.
If the outnumbered counties were given perk planes at no cost,large bonuses for kills,etc.,perhaps that is one way of handling it.The other answer to the numbers dilema,and it won't happen,is to have two countries.WB's,with the rolling Plane set,
seemed to have less problems,as the players didn't seem to have a problem switching sides to even things out,or as it were,to get a better crate to fly!The Luftwobble shined early,and the Allies had the better rides later.
475th Fighter Group "Satans Angels"