Originally posted by Reschke
The thoughts I have been talking over with some of the CT staff since I got onboard here was to have a long series run over the course of two weeks. It would almost be like a rolling planeset in a way since aircraft that were available in the first week wouldn't be available in the second week and the "front lines" and some base locations would move accordingly. This would foster more mission ideas between squadrons and I think would prepare the way to get new blood who is looking to get out of the MA and find something different.
I like this idea although I don't think you're going far enough with it to attract and more importantly, hold squadrons in the CT. If you want to attract squadrons, give them long term goals to buy in to. That means longer term setups than two weeks. Two week setups are like 1/2 sitcoms stretched to fit an hour's worth of prime time. More of the same, just a little longer. I'd go for a month per setup, even 6 weeks. Although that's going to mean the fans of any particular theatre will have longer to wait between their favorites.
Another one was brought up by some of you way back when and has been stuck in my mind as well. A "featured" matchup so to speak where we have two aircraft from allied and two from axis planesets going up against each other. The idea I have is to make this sort of a historical and fantasy setup. What I mean by that is that we don't always have to see the P-51 go up against the late 109 series and the Zekes to go up against the Wildcats, Hellcats and Corsairs. This would go a long way toward eliminating the MA attitude that so many of you complain about creeping into the CT.
Fighter-town. Good for some, not good for others. I garauntee this will alienate some people - me for one.
Unless you all want to continue with that attitude and if so then we will simply let this arena fall off into nothingness.
I honestly don't want to step on the SEA CM guys toes by running "mini"events over here because they have put lots of time into getting their events presented and want to see them succeed and sometimes I feel like some of the ideas presented to us by the players step right into the SEA domain.
The SEA CM's are grownups and they can look after themselves. There a fairly visible line between the CT and events that will remain no matter what you do in the CT (except of course if you start hosting full-blown, pre-register style events).
The two ideas you've presented here are diametrically opposed to each other. They are presented as "pick one or the long term consequences are dire". This is incorrect and misleading sir. Leaving the CT as it is most likely means it's population will remain about where it is now and the level of civility in the arena will vary according to the popularity/difficulty of the setup as it has in the past. Even my crystal ball isn't clear enough to forecast the death of the CT in the near future.
There is no stated goal in your post here Reschke. However, permit me to make a guess. There are two:
Improve the atmosphere in the CT: If you want to increase the level of civility in the arena, there is only one way to do it - present a consistent face for the CT. Pick a method of setups, weighted either to a fighter-town style of play or weighted towards a 2-country winnable war style of play. Once you've got it picked, stick with for a year or so to see how it shakes out. People get frustrated when they expect one thing and are presented another.
Increase the population base of the CT: If you want to increase the population base, more specifically increase the number of regular squadrons in the arena you need to have setups over extended periods of time. Squadrons need long-term game goals and short term player challenges to hold interest in the arena. The long-term goals just don't exist in 1, 2 or 3 week setups. Less change, more variety is what's called for here. 1 week "balanced" setups are just the same-old, same-old. People in the CT have their favorites and wait for them to show up, and the waiting part is a part of what keeps the CT population as small as it is. If you truly intend on increasing the population you need to build in player/squadron buy-ins. The only buy-in available in the CT right now is immediate player gratification, which if fine for a large transient population. I can't quote the numbers, but from what I've seen as I pop into the arena on occasion is a steady backbone of about 10-12 regular "CT" players - these are the people I see everytime I visit the CT no matter what the setup. The rest of us are transients. If there was more to hold my interest I'd stay longer, and that's likely true of the other transients. If there was enough to buy into in the CT I'd be able to move my squadron in on a permanent basis - we came from the AvA in AirWarrior and we do miss not having something like it in AH - but given the current CT, that's just not going to happen.
All totaled up. You're leaning in two directions at the same time while avoiding having to take a leading step in either path and trying to force "the community" to take their choice of your proposals "or else". IMO CT CM's are leadership slots. Leaders lead - that means out in front, choosing the direction. So pick one, take a step and see where it gets you. If I like the direction you head off to I'll go with you. If I don't I'll wish you well and be on my way and let you get on with yours.
That is my attitude.