Author Topic: hope for democrats  (Read 866 times)

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2004, 03:04:56 AM »
"Yeah, it was his parents fault or who ever had the gun loaded in the house. I have guns in my house, unloaded and in a safe."

"Whats it to yall? It POs me everytime I see people from other countries butting in OUR business"

Your buisness is our buisness; and vice versa. any other standpoint is short sighted niaveté.

Well; all I know about the case is that link; but it seems to me that that gun maker (you did read it; didn't you?), with his faulty design, is at least as liable as GM was for the faulty design of the Convair...and the American backlash over "unsafe at any speed" had profound effects on the British motor industry. So yes; other people may well have a vested interest in your domestic laws.

"It damned sure wasnt the gun makers fault. a friend of mine when we were teens had a sawed off remington 210 in a grocery bag in his closet. He reached in to get it and blew his arm to bits.
So that was remingtons fault?"

A friend of mine spilt hot coffee on his balls. Obviously Mcdonalds fault..... Hey; it's your culture, and you're very defensive about it, enjoy! :)

And Tommy; that wasn't an "anti-gun" link; it was a "look how industrialists take the piss out of court judgements" link. It was a link which predicts that you'll happily hang a guy who steals from one person; but steal from millions of Americans and you'll never even see a day in Jail.

BTW; I finaly got round to seeing Bowling for Columbine this weekend; I've had the DVD for ages but all the hysteria bit me off wanting to see it.

I thought it very good; but NOT an anti gun film. Where did you guys get that idea?

All through the film he points out repeadtedly that he himself is an NRA member; and that Canada, for example, also has masses of guns.

It aint what you got; it's what you do with it!


Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2004, 03:50:47 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
"Yeah, it was his parents fault or who ever had the gun loaded in the house. I have guns in my house, unloaded and in a safe."

"Whats it to yall? It POs me everytime I see people from other countries butting in OUR business"

Your buisness is our buisness; and vice versa. any other standpoint is short sighted niaveté.

Well; all I know about the case is that link; but it seems to me that that gun maker (you did read it; didn't you?), with his faulty design, is at least as liable as GM was for the faulty design of the Convair...and the American backlash over "unsafe at any speed" had profound effects on the British motor industry. So yes; other people may well have a vested interest in your domestic laws.

"It damned sure wasnt the gun makers fault. a friend of mine when we were teens had a sawed off remington 210 in a grocery bag in his closet. He reached in to get it and blew his arm to bits.
So that was remingtons fault?"

A friend of mine spilt hot coffee on his balls. Obviously Mcdonalds fault..... Hey; it's your culture, and you're very defensive about it, enjoy! :)

And Tommy; that wasn't an "anti-gun" link; it was a "look how industrialists take the piss out of court judgements" link. It was a link which predicts that you'll happily hang a guy who steals from one person; but steal from millions of Americans and you'll never even see a day in Jail.

BTW; I finaly got round to seeing Bowling for Columbine this weekend; I've had the DVD for ages but all the hysteria bit me off wanting to see it.

I thought it very good; but NOT an anti gun film. Where did you guys get that idea?

All through the film he points out repeadtedly that he himself is an NRA member; and that Canada, for example, also has masses of guns.

It aint what you got; it's what you do with it!




Mr Maxfield was seven years old when he was paralysed by a bullet accidentally fired by a 20-year-old babysitter who was trying to unload a gun

The "babysitter" had NO Business handling a gun if he does not know these VERY SIMPLE RULES.  If the weapon had not been pointed at a seven year old kid while being unloaded this would have never happend.

People want to blame the gun fine.  But blame the 20 year old that was mishandleing firearms around a 7 year old kid FIRST!

fluff'n MORON!

Even with a defect in the weapon it should have never been pointed in an unsafe direction.

Offline TBolt A-10

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« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2004, 04:59:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
That's the way I see SOB too, myelo.

I never see anything beyond NASH's avatar.  

See NASH's avatar...uh..."what was I just doing?"


Offline X2Lee

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« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2004, 08:35:11 AM »
My misunderstanding. You know I have jerky knees :D

Originally posted by Seeker
Your buisness is our buisness; and vice versa. any other standpoint is short sighted niaveté.

A friend of mine spilt hot coffee on his balls. Obviously Mcdonalds fault..... Hey; it's your culture, and you're very defensive about it, enjoy! :)

And Tommy; that wasn't an "anti-gun" link; it was a "look how industrialists take the piss out of court judgements" link. It was a link which predicts that you'll happily hang a guy who steals from one person; but steal from millions of Americans and you'll never even see a day in Ja


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2004, 09:54:57 AM »
sheesh... they still make colt single action army's and exact copies... they can only be carried safe with the hammer resting on an empty chamber.  There is no safety.

There is no safety in any revolver nor some automatics.  

If you don't know anything about guns.....DON'T TOUCH EM..  if you must touch em... keep your finger out of the trigger guard and keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

if you don't know how to work a chainsaw... don't pull on the cord... don't touch the trigger of power tools irf you don't know how to work em...

the glowing red element on your electric stove should not be touched with bare hands.


Offline Tex

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« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2004, 10:43:24 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
Well; all I know about the case is that link; but it seems to me that that gun maker (you did read it; didn't you?), with his faulty design

"faulty design" wasn't described in your link well enough to judge this on the merits. Nothing new there, lots of emotion, itty bitty brains.

Thought you'd progressed past this tripe? Or did you just run away to kinder pastures?


Offline Seeker

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« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2004, 12:11:28 PM »
Originally posted by Tex
"faulty design" wasn't described in your link well enough to judge this on the merits. Nothing new there, lots of emotion, itty bitty brains.

Thought you'd progressed past this tripe? Or did you just run away to kinder pastures?


As I said; I've only read this link; it just happened to catch my eye.

I've shot and owned guns, and I was founder/president of the Copenhagen DHL pistol club; but I'm not enough of an expert to second guess your legal process. I presume they have a minimum of competance (O.J. notwithstanding); so if they say the gun was defect; that's good enough for me.

Any way; although these things are allways open to interpretation; I didn't imeadiatly think of it as an anti-gun story; more of a Ralf Nader (sue the manufacturer!)/ Enron (Laws are for little people) kind of story.

You sure you read it?

BTW; the only "Tex" I know that could have a use for "Thought you'd progressed past this tripe? Or did you just run away to kinder pastures?" went by a slightly different handle.

And he could read.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2004, 08:44:47 AM »
so this kid who the babysitter shot got 51 million dollars (how much from the babysitter?) from bryco and couldn't come up with enough money to beat a 510,000 dollar bid for the company?

Not everyone can afford expensive firearms... inexpensive firearms are a boon to the elderly on fixed incomes and the poor.


Offline Seeker

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« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2004, 09:03:36 AM »
You're still talking about the fire arms side of it.

What about where a company has been found wanting by your legal system; publicaly states it'll do every thing it can to avoid the judgement and seems to be getting away with it?

That's what caught my eye.

Any one here ever drive a convair fast? I have, I thought it was hugely entertaining.

Then again I wasn't holding a cup of Mcdonalds coffee on my nuts while I was driving.......

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2004, 11:21:17 AM »
seeker... where are you from?   have you ever driven a 65 corvair?   Corvairs are still winning autocrosses while VW bugs are still flipping over in a light breeze... the corvair was ten times better handling than the vw.

How is bryco doing anything illegal?   How is pointing a gun at someone the manufacturers fault?

Why could the kid get 505,000 bucks but not 515,000?   Whole story reeks...

My point was that the whole point of suing  gun manufactureres is to drive em out of bussiness.   I am glad they failed..... again.

Many firearms with no safety whatsoever are made every day.   Safety should be the responsibility of the owner except for structual.


Offline Tex

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« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2004, 10:14:52 PM »
Originally posted by Seeker
You sure you read it?

BTW; the only "Tex" I know that could have a use for "Thought you'd progressed past this tripe? Or did you just run away to kinder pastures?" went by a slightly different handle.

And he could read.

I'm not sure you can and to think I had such high hopes over on Bigweek for you. Of course, if this is a different Seeker then it would be my mistake, wouldn't it? But the clues fit, wear them.

The article simply shows that a jury gave a poor kid money for the lack of responsibility of another. That's one of the things juries do, especially the average ones. It says nothing about the supposed defect other than you cannot unload the pistol while it is on safety. So? How is this a defect? The part you don't understand is the mistrust of government most Americans have embedded in our souls. You'll never get it because you don't like us. That's fine.

and your memory sucks rocks

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2004, 08:35:14 AM »
revolvers have no safety.   the safetyu is....

keep your fingers off the friggin trigger and allways point the gun in a safe direction.

either of these simple rules would have saved this kid.

You would think this simple message would be well worth a "public safety spot" on television or be mandatory for teachers to teach in health classes...

Unless firearms accidents are so rare as to be not worth the effort... which is a fact or.... unless there is an anti gun agenda by the media and teachers union.... which is also true.

so sue the media and the teachers.  hell... he might even get novel and sue the woman who shot him!


Offline Airhead

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« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2004, 10:03:02 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2

Not everyone can afford expensive firearms... inexpensive firearms are a boon to the elderly on fixed incomes and the poor.


Lazs, whenever I'm debating gun control, and someone states we need to ban "Saturday Night Specials," I accuse them of subconsiously trying to keep firearms from the people who need self protection the most- inner city African American kids.

Then I accuse the gun control advocate of racism- no bigger insult to us leftists than being accused of being a racist- especially by another leftist.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2004, 02:27:42 PM »
airhead... you are correct.. there is no other way to look at it... all the fees and hoops people have to jump through and training and gun locks... all work towards one goal... make it so only the elite can have fireams... the kerries out skeet shooting with $6,000 shotguns and telling the poor "let them eat cake".

I believe most lefties feel that socialism is for other people and that they like it philisophicaly but are much to important to be ruled by it... they feel that they are elite and that most of their fellow man contemptably stupid and untrustworthy.
