To continue the offensive initiated at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, the USN/USMC are preparing to invade the island of New Georgia.
In an effort to soften the island's defenses the USN carrier force will be making a series of raids. Attacking strongpoints, airfields and supply bases.
Thursday's mission will consist of a combined Hellcat/Avenger strike, all CV based. The target will be the harbor of Bairoko, 8 miles north of Munda. A recent DD force was able to supply the island, during the night, but it is imperative that the supplies are destroyed along with the port facilities.
A vehicle base will be substituted for the port of Bairoko and in the arena the actual island hit may not be New Georgia on the map. If there is any chance, ANY CHANCE, can we get a CT staffer in there on Thursday night to insure proper placement of a USN CV?? Please.
The Mission is scheduled to be launched at 10pm EDT. So far I see the roster as:
Allied- 880 sqdn
Axis- Jg54
I was hoping that one of the other Allied squads could take a turn as the Axis this week.
I also want to point out that this is in no way limited to squads only, it is open to any individual that wishes to participate. All we ask in that you try to keep things in spirit with the times and make an attempt to follow any
voluntary rules that may be imposed.
Look forward to seeing some new faces this Thursday. I will send slightly more detailed orders out to the the Allied squads/pilots(give email if you want them) on Wed. night, but due to the nature of the arena the final planning will happen in the arena Thursday night. So be flexible.
To get things balanced numbers wise need a count of who can fly what. 325th can you guys do Axis? Even if you're a single pilot please state if you intend to show and fly Thursday. Again please be flexible Thursday night to allow for number balancing. It will be greatly appreciated.
I invite everyone to come give the mission a try. It adds great atmosphere to the game without the "overhead" of a formal event.