Author Topic: Air Defenses and one pilot base captures  (Read 110 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Air Defenses and one pilot base captures
« on: January 20, 2000, 04:08:00 AM »
I was watching a show on the History channel about some British bombers using a skip bomb to destroy a series of Axis dams.  The physics of skip bombing was interesting as was the assault in general... but what really stood out to me was that more aircraft were lost en-route to the target than were lost at the target.

That is what I feel is missing from any of the WW2 sims right now.  You just should not be able to drop 2 bombs and render a base defenseless.  I'm sorry, but it just isn't right.  No small arms fire... no machine guns in the tree lines... nothing.  Ditching is only a concern in regards to terrain.. not in regards to the farmhouse near the treeline.

Much of the problems with the game stem from the fact that people know exactly where to expect fire from ground forces and exactly where/what to hit to get exact results.  There isn't any randomeness, there isn't any overall concerns with logistics.

I'd like to say I have some suggestions to improve this situation, but I do not.  Maybe the advent of ground troups will help... but when one side has 5 players, those aren't really going to help much.

I'd just like to see some things done to remove the systematic destruction of one base after another by a single bomber taking down the base, ditching and bringing a 47 back to capture it.  

I'd also like to see something done about time limits on friendly bases in enemy territory.  Technically, these bases are cut off from factory supply lines.  It seems that any outages on these bases should be the same duration as a base with zero factory support.  Just an idea there.

And.. before the flames start... I am not condemning nor am I condoning any base capture practices... I realize that people play the game within the ruleset of the game and I don't have a problem with that.  I really just wish the ruleset would change.


Offline Saintaw

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Air Defenses and one pilot base captures
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2000, 05:06:00 AM »
Rgr that, I would like to add a thing here : it would indeed be nice to see an adition to some ground troops, for one thing :

Can you strafe something in this Sim ? Because, I tried straffing Hangars, to no availl (I was in a NK and was using 4 20 Mike Mike Cannons...). I hit the hangars and looked at my stats and it showed 0 points of damage on the ground.

Some Tanks or Convoy would be nice to shoot at, maybe use them in conjunction with the surrounding Factories/Cities...U know, kinda like City X needs to send a convoy to Airfield X to resuply it...

I would also like to see in the future (hey, while I am at it, why not let go...   ) Some "Middle sized" ground the Mitchel, or even the Stuka (I know, the Stuka is slow, but was not used as a bomber...more the Equivalent of today's A10-Tank Killer, and did some awfull scores on the western front! )

Didn't manage to capture a single facility with the '47 yet....looks like I have a beacon above me saying "I'm here, shoot me" when i fly that bird  

What's the trick when flying the '47 ? Low or High ? Does AH take in consideration "terrain masking" ? ie : when i am flying in a valley, will the other guys flying on the other side of the ridge see my Icon ? (Target is HERE   )

DCO 186th Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)

[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 01-20-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Fishu

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Air Defenses and one pilot base captures
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2000, 06:11:00 AM »
Consider those 1-2 defenders of base as troopers  
They come up million times and strafes paras from the runway...
As much advantage for them as for attacker..

What comes to defenders.. I think small attacks are alot more effective than big attacks, where theres +5 fighters defending base and upping all the time just to strafe paras from runway. (almost impossible to capture field then.. unless those 5 defenders are helpless in skills)

Offline Pongo

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Air Defenses and one pilot base captures
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2000, 09:12:00 AM »
What Histro said.
Strafing works...Or did..
Go in low in 47,(10 ft until drop height fix is done) come from direction so that bunker is between you and spawn point. drop all grunts in line leading up to bunker. This makes spawning fighters drive over a klick before they can get your grunts. If the fighters with you cant vulch them in that distance, change teams...
Maybe non connected bases (ie someone captures f1 without having f4 or f2 can only be destroyed...Ie no planes take off from there until it is re-established(goon?, elapsed time?)

Sturm Gruppe