I think these young players are too self centered and arent playing well as a team.
I saw the 92 team play and I have seen this team play.
Do you guys think the current team has the same commitment as the 92 team? I'm not sure they are. I saw bling-bling gangsta as a good term to describe some of the values issues I think this young team of my generation is having trouble.
Bling-bling: Too money oriented - heck even airhead excused their poor performance bya saying nobody was getting paid so we shouldnt complin about them not doind great because what can we expect.
Gangsta: Too tough, too individulaistic and not willing to work well with others and compromise. Not team players. Lets not forget which stars were beched for missing meetings. I think they ahve a bad attitude.
Pansies: The USA is the best at basketball, it's our sport and I'm pissed we are losing games and taht the world is prolly laughing at us. These young players are supposed to be our best stars, they should play that way and win. Is that too much to ask?
I'm 24 years old; bling-bling and gangsta are pretty common words to me, maybe some of you old farts are offended by them but I'm not, they are pretty beningn and cmmon cultural expressions for people of my age.
It's funny because this was always meant to be a generational isssue (braodly 92 team vs 04 team) and not a race issue, and it seems thats where the consfusion comes from...