Author Topic: Any old Air Warriors out there?????  (Read 174491 times)

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1080 on: September 09, 2022, 08:26:48 AM »
I was Caper in AW and started playing during time AOL had it. In fact I bought AOL and just to play AW - I already had Coc cable.

I was ->SUN in the WidowMakers. ICOM for short.

Offline Molsman

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1081 on: September 09, 2022, 10:46:51 PM »
I have been all off these variations Mols in AW then Molsman Crazyman and Crazy8s in Aces High
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Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1082 on: September 15, 2022, 04:38:26 PM »
You are showing your age.


I'll bring back a memory for you. Remember the other online service Geni? For members, they used to put out this little booklet once a month. It highlighted some of the stuff on Geni. That's where I first read about Air Warrior and you! You were featured in the story and if I remember right, you talked about "rope a dope." Thirty years goes fast!

Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1083 on: September 15, 2022, 04:46:51 PM »
Wasn't the Turkey Ham squadron the first group to graduate from the AirWarrior Training Academy?  Like  Homer and the gang?   My memory is terrible...

Hey there  Fencer, ROC, and Hajo



I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1084 on: September 15, 2022, 06:43:14 PM »
I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.

I think DD is still active on one of the old AW/Bigweek Facebook sites.  Any idea what became of Holmes?

- oldman

Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1085 on: September 15, 2022, 07:35:45 PM »

I think DD is still active on one of the old AW/Bigweek Facebook sites.  Any idea what became of Holmes?

- oldman
You were the third! Now I remember, it was you, Dead Duck and I that would get together in the practice arena on Saturdays :) I don't know what happened to Holmes. I did meet up (online) with Vossman in the mid 90's when AW was on some site that was only 1.95 an hour. I wonder how many know it was $6 and hour to play ( at night - $12 an hour in the day) AW when it first started?  I had some $600 AW bills back then. But now I remember, you were the third is our practice sessions.:) You were in the first class also. Good to meet up with you again. 30+ years.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 07:47:48 PM by TweetyBird22 »

Offline Mayhem

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1086 on: September 15, 2022, 08:04:27 PM »
I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.

Kelly "Damned Niff" (DMDniff) Crawford passed away in 2008
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Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1087 on: September 15, 2022, 08:22:04 PM »
Kelly "Damned Niff" (DMDniff) Crawford passed away in 2008
I heard. Last time I talked with him he was in "HotLanta" living with his daughter. I think he was writing a book. How I met Kelly has to do with Air Warrior. Kelly was ex-AF. We went to the same bar and he was talking about air frames. So I start bringing up all these WWII planes and he  looks at me like "WTF." I was in my mid 30's, and it was like "Why do you know about these aircraft?" I told him about Air Warrior. I think at the time it was on AOL, and he got into it and was hooked. Over the years we became great friends. He got me back into it after it moved to Gamestorm and that's how I wound up with The Damned. I was going by Etch then and Damned Etch. Kelly was a good guy and very intelligent. He was a good friend. His handle "Dniff" came from how his very young grandchild said his name :)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 08:25:24 PM by TweetyBird22 »

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1088 on: September 28, 2022, 10:47:58 AM »
I heard. Last time I talked with him he was in "HotLanta" living with his daughter. I think he was writing a book. How I met Kelly has to do with Air Warrior. Kelly was ex-AF. We went to the same bar and he was talking about air frames. So I start bringing up all these WWII planes and he  looks at me like "WTF." I was in my mid 30's, and it was like "Why do you know about these aircraft?" I told him about Air Warrior. I think at the time it was on AOL, and he got into it and was hooked. Over the years we became great friends. He got me back into it after it moved to Gamestorm and that's how I wound up with The Damned. I was going by Etch then and Damned Etch. Kelly was a good guy and very intelligent. He was a good friend. His handle "Dniff" came from how his very young grandchild said his name :)

Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...


"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1089 on: September 29, 2022, 12:07:02 PM »

This old player is out, trying to get back in.  Having trouble with the program download "error opening the file for writing.  Also setting up passwords, hitech supposed to send me some kind of code vis email which I never receive.

Anyway came to AH from Warbirds when AH was Beta.  Was in 617RAF is Warbirds in the '90's.  We came over here with 259RAF.  Most of my guys gone now.  I'm 85.


Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1090 on: October 07, 2022, 05:05:18 PM »
Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...



That's great. Kelly was a really great guy and had a whole lot of stories. I'll have to look for his book. I assume its under his real name Kelly Crawford?  Now your name rings a bell. Weren't you in "The Damned?" I think we were in the same squad at sometime. I don't know if was you ( I think it was), but I remember someone from The Damned trying to help me improve one on one. I could just picture the guy shaking his head and thinking "That pup ain't ever gonna make it..." I was a hell  of a Hunter in WoW though! :) (not really, I sucked at WoW too) Good to see you around TC. Those were good days.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 05:08:35 PM by TweetyBird22 »

Offline TweetyBird22

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1091 on: October 07, 2022, 05:15:12 PM »
Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...



I found it on Amazon!

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1092 on: October 09, 2022, 04:57:01 PM »
I learned about Aces High from some tech help guy I had called on the phone regarding digital video, over a product I'd bought. Back then most AH players were all ex-AW'ers.
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Offline Grayeagle

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1093 on: December 23, 2023, 02:29:43 PM »
I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!

« Last Edit: December 23, 2023, 02:36:36 PM by Grayeagle »
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Offline hazmatt

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1094 on: December 23, 2023, 02:45:44 PM »
They only thing I don't miss about AW was those annoying kill macros we all had. AH3 generates it's own macro spam that you can't turn off which is equally annoying.

Maybe we could out heads together and put up an airwarrior server? I thought there was an 8 or 16 player lan option that we could use?