Author Topic: Arnold's speech..  (Read 2424 times)

Offline Gyro/T69

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #120 on: September 02, 2004, 08:05:17 PM »

Offline DoKGonZo

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #121 on: September 02, 2004, 08:15:24 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
well doc.. I suppose that I am missing the point... are you saying that joining the military to get an education should guarentee you a great job for the rest of your life?   Was the whole time just a waste of a few years if you don't?  


Step back from the problem.

Arnold's premise is "work hard, play by the rules, and you can prosper." Right?

But more and more we're seeing that folks who don't play by the rules we were taught growing up are raking in mega bucks at the expense of everyone else. Is Ken Lay even in jail yet? I've lost track.

Not 20 years ago a lot of companies had "no lay-off" policies. Believe it or not. And they were a lot more interested in hiring people and training them if they weren't the perfect fit - especially if that person showed the potential to be a long-term employee. Nowadays, that just isn't the case. This seemingly endless recession is part of it, but also its that companies aren't built to last anymore - they're built to flip and go public as soon as possible.

Bottom line is that what Arnie described is the way things were, and the way we want them to be, but not the way it is since about 1998.

Who's to blame? Like I know? I don't believe either party ... or the media (save for Jon Stewart :D ... that is if Comedy Central counts as the "media"). Both parties see this as a big game and it makes me purely sick. I really don't care who's to blame anymore ... I just these morons to stop waving their privates at each other and fix the damn problems. Fixing what's wrong is their job, afterall.

Offline ravells

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #122 on: September 02, 2004, 08:25:16 PM »
Thanks, Gyro!

Saw the cast...he has a politician's hands. Very rehearsed, very wooden. For me the written speech was better. LOL! I'd have probably voted Nixon after the radio debate rather than Kennedy.

Martlett: it was a very subtle speech. If you look through all the BS, (after all you could substitute Democrat for Republican for half the speech, since he was talking about the American Way at those points), Arnold is saying...I am NOT Bush, in fact I'm the furthest thing from him (actually it's what he doesn't say which is meaningful), but I'm STILL a Republican.

The guy's after something alright, and it's more than the governership of California.


[edit] and if you read Gonzo's post above...Bush is someone who is perceieved as NOT having worked hard and played by the rules to get to his position (whether rightly or wrongly)..If Arnie can't be Pres, then I suspect he'll be putting his weight behind someone very unbushlike at some point. I suspect he already knows who that person will be. [edit again] in fact... it may be that he is the herald of the Republican party who are saying  that Bush is past his sell by date.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2004, 08:31:32 PM by ravells »

Offline Gyro/T69

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #123 on: September 02, 2004, 08:26:30 PM »
Welcome :)

Offline Martlet

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #124 on: September 02, 2004, 08:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by ravells
Thanks, Gyro!

Saw the cast...he has a politician's hands. Very rehearsed, very wooden. For me the written speech was better. LOL! I'd have probably voted Nixon after the radio debate rather than Kennedy.

Martlett: it was a very subtle speech. If you look through all the BS, (after all you could substitute Democrat for Republican for half the speech, since he was talking about the American Way at those points), Arnold is saying...I am NOT Bush, in fact I'm the furthest thing from him (actually it's what he doesn't say which is meaningful), but I'm STILL a Republican.

The guy's after something alright, and it's more than the governership of California.


Only time will tell.  That's a pretty oft heard message in this campaign, though.  It isn't always a clue that someone is after personal gain.  Zell Miller said much the same thing.  What's he after?

Bush is far too liberal on many issues for my tastes.  I still support him, though.  You have to decide what issues are most important to you and vote with the candidate that matches them.  For many, the single most important issue is the war on terror.  For those that fall into that category, Bush is the only answer, regardless of where you fall on other issues.

Offline ravells

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #125 on: September 02, 2004, 08:37:30 PM »
My thinking is that eventually the Republican Grandees intend to replace Bush with someone who is actually more 'anti- big government' as far as home politics goes but actually more acceptable internationally in terms of Foreign Policy (it's good for business).

As you say....we shall see, but Arnie was a good indication of that happening.


Offline lazs2

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Arnold's speech..
« Reply #126 on: September 03, 2004, 09:35:00 AM »
well... doc, as I see it... the work market is changing.. you can't keep the world out and expect to sell to it at the same time... you can't expect to do one thing that you learned 20 years ago in maybe a tenth of the 2-6 years you spent at a school... Most of the time was spent learning things you will never use and the rest was used learning someething that was in a class that was outdated before you even signed up.

You can still make it but you have to work hard after school.  Some jobs now require certification... mine does... the certification requires continueing education and recertification. maybe that is the way tech jobs need to go... no current certificate.... no job.

I know about 4 really well off people and none of them finished in the trade they started..

As for going to school and staying in a job as long as you like.... It can still be done... you can be a doctor they need plenty...  No?  not for4 everyone...  engineer... Last I heard we can't get enough  engineers but... they work regular hours and have to keep up... not exactly a computer job.

Lots of trades can go the traditional route of school and job security.   lots can't.  

Whos fault is it?  maybe no ones.. maybe it is evolutionary like the buggy whip..  Maybe it is the schools that are failing you?  if schools in India turn out perfectly good techies then maybe we need to do better.
