Author Topic: 1839 Sqn FAA Hellcat  (Read 2170 times)

Offline oboe

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1839 Sqn FAA Hellcat
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2004, 12:58:45 PM »
Beautiful job, Greebo!

Hey, I'm not sure how you get such good resolution and detail out of a screenshot.   How do you convert the bmp to jpg?   I use MSPAINT (PS 6 won't open the screenshot bmps).   I usually resize the jpg in PS then, but even with the settings on high quality, you can't see the rivets or panel  line in my skins....

Do you run AHII at 1600x1200?


Offline Greebo

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1839 Sqn FAA Hellcat
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2004, 02:04:22 PM »
I think the reason Skuzzy wouldn't allow the VF-17 skin is that the F4U-1 is visibly different to a F4U-1A. If I could have got it to work as a F4U-1D skin it might have got through. Unfortunately, the F4U-1D skin has overlap issues on the wings and mirroring issues on the underside of the fuselage and tail. It would have looked horrible from below.

The Boston and A-20 are identical apart from the vertical stab, which is mirrored on the Boston. I reckon I could do 10 quite different looking skins between the two.

The A-20 is good WRT outline, but not so good as far as texture placement is concerned. The nacelles are a hodgepodge of different texture areas which are a pig to get lined up. Also the lower wings are mirrored left and right, but the right wing texture is the scale equivalent of a foot further forward than the left one. So all the lower panel lines are going to be a foot out on one wing or the other. An area of the upper wing outboard of the nacelle is used to skin the upper cowls and extreme rear of the nacelles which has effectively killed off the D Day striped plane I was going to do. Also it means no fine detail on the bits of the nacelles you see most from the cockpit. I'm afraid to look too closely at the fuselage yet, I might get pissed off with it again. :)

Oboe, I have two installations of AH2 on my PC, one for online use and one for skinning. The skinning one is run at 1600 by 1200 and with textures set to 1024 res. I load the screenshots into Paint Shop Pro and crop them to 1024 by 768 for the screenshots. After adding other planes etc as seperate layers I save the whole lot as a jpeg.

If you can't open bmps in PS 6 I'd guess you need to tell PS to become the default programme for bmps, rather than MSPaint. In PSP this is found under File/Preferences/File format associations, not sure about PS though.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 02:09:58 PM by Greebo »

Offline Samiam

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I must infuriate Greebo
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2004, 02:29:09 PM »
The way I am always ruining his best work, bringing them home missing peices and full of bullet holes.

Sorry, Greebo. I love your Grumman skins and do not intend any disrespect when I irresponsibly get them all scuffed up.

Keep up the good work!