Author Topic: Do we need goon driver incentives??  (Read 552 times)

Offline Maverick

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2001, 06:21:00 PM »
Perk the Goon!!!    


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Offline Lance

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2001, 07:31:00 PM »
What Ram said.  I'd balance the value against what is considered a good score for a typical fighter/bomber/vehicle mission then divide up the points between all categories.

Offline CavemanJ

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2001, 07:53:00 PM »
Goon drivers need alot more than just 1 point for a field capture.  I like the idea of a point or two for each drunk to make the map room.  Maybe .5 point for each drunk kicked out of the kite and .5 point for each one to make it into the map room (when it's held by another country of course).

The reason so many gooney birds run into problems of enemy fighters/ground vehicles or live ack is because they wait so long to launch.  If the goon launches within 5min of the strike package it's usually a done deal.


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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2001, 07:59:00 PM »
last time i gooned  field  i got 1.25 perk points.. i chit, i lost it.  we have a hard enough time getting goons in the first place, im  not gonna fly one if i get a tootsie roll for a present after i capture a field.  but it goes further than this, all bomber are underscored.... i have 5 -6 kill b17 sorties where i end up with 3 perk points...hurray, i think its time htc pulled there head outta you know what and realize that bombers, not fighter won the war

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2001, 08:02:00 PM »
How about adding a new mission type (we now have FIGHTER, BOMBER...add CAPTURE)....

If you have your mission set as CAPTURE, and are within a certain Minimum Distance from the BASE (at the moment of capture) each player would receive points determined by the relative worth of the base divided by the number of players qualified to receive them (this would encourage captures in general and more support acft/vehicles)...

players would also receive individual points for target distruction (within the base area) and M3/C47 drivers would get points per each troop delivered...

all "capture" points would be received, regardless of player survival...but survival multipliers (sucessful landing) could "boost" these points even higher...Would require some tracking by program to determine if player is within capture minimum distance for point awards though...

my 2 an 1/2 cents worth...  

Offline BBGunn

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2001, 08:05:00 PM »
Sounds another one of those 'lack of cooperation and planning' issues.  If folks would meet the C47 pilots half way and give them a couple spits or Niks for escort and stay with the mission there would be fewer complaints.

Offline Hangtime

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2001, 08:44:00 PM »
Maybe BBgun.. maybe not. I can't think of a single instance where I've spotted well and competently escorted c47's and have been unable to get thru the screen and kill him. Escorts can slow me down a bit; force me to dodge a mite while I close in, but very rarely indeed can an escort stop a determined attack on a goon or buff.

Seems to me that a 'spotted' goon is soon to be a dead one; escorted or not. On that note.. anybody else notice it's real easy in this terrain to pick out a goon against the water from even 20k and and d10?

Great ideas guys.. keep 'em commin. Hope HTC is listening...


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Offline Sunchaser

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2001, 09:45:00 PM »
I fly C47s and the only incentive I need is enough notice to get there and a capped field when I do.

Screw all this point stuff!

Flying into the smoke at a wrecked field and having a couple cons and lotsa good guys is the rush and if I make it, which is seldom, it is even better.

All this PERK and POINT stuff is driving me

When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?

Offline flakbait

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2001, 10:16:00 PM »
Hmm. Incentives for flying Goons or driving M3's? Every time I've been online (so far not once this tour) and someone hollered for a goon I'd grab one and run. Do the same thing with M3's; if someone needs one I'll grab either one and go. Score I care nothing about; since BETA I've checked my score all of 5 times. Been shot down plenty of times driving a Goon. I don't care. I'm far from a score-monkey, get annoyed when I'm shot down (delays capture), and I fly one whenever I can.

I remember a mission Zig put up from a tour or three ago in the BETA map. Flying from A2 as a Knight, mostly Russian A/C, and he was hollering for fighter pilots. I calmly jumped in as the goon driver, told him I had it covered, and waited for him to give me the all clear. Someone else got that capture that was closer in an M3. I arrived over the field about 3 minutes after he got the place. Was nailed by an Ostwind, but I didn't care; he just saved me 5 minutes by not having to land.

Zig was very appreciative for me just jumping in a goon. Kinda shocked me to be honest. I expected the usual "Thanx" and nothing more. When someone needs a Goon or M3, I usually grab one and get down to business. If I get killed it makes me take more time getting to the destination field. Oh well. I agree there should be more points awarded to Bus drivers. We risk our butts to get drunks there and take the joint. Field capture messages for the driver? Nice touch, but I honestly don't care either way. If they're put in, it's window dressing to let people know who did it. If not, oh well; no great terrible catastrophie happened.

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2001, 10:32:00 PM »
Or at the end of every tour, the guy with the most base captures gets something? Like instead of perk points, a guaranteed perk ride of his choice? For the rest of the guys, they get perk points per capture?

Just another idea.

Offline Oosik

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2001, 10:34:00 PM »
Give the Goon driver (it's my fav. ride) the kill credit for anyone crashing or ditching within 5 miles.  

Note: I'm 2-0 against hangtime and his *$#@ P51 but I was the only one around - this is the most satisfying score for me.  If I could have more kills I'd fly the C47 more.

Offline iculus

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2001, 11:09:00 PM »
A small parade would be nice!

Seriously, a pat on the back goes a long way!

Offline Jigster

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2001, 11:39:00 PM »
The Pac terrain is really harse on goon drivers.

Before, I usually left before the strike and found a good hill to land behind, waiting for the clear call from 5-10k away, and rarely did not make the capture.

Now with all this blue water, C-47's are just dead meat. They outta get some compenstation, like a C-46 as a cheap perk transport  

Offline Hangtime

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2001, 12:44:00 AM »
LOL Oosik.. A big <S!> fer you! I remember one of those.. had yah spotted over water.. u were headed to our port. I dropped down; and while descending was in the process of typing "goon N P14 spill yer troops now and go home alive.."

And augered right next to yah.

Never sent the message.. it was still sittin in the text box with me sittin inna tower 50 miles away. So; furous and determined, I 'quick' hopped in another bird; headed out towards you, trimmed out and started to type "GOON N P14" and augered. System hangs up. Reboot/disco... wailing, I log back on... P14 has ben captured...


You got me; P14 and my cats bellybutton with a massive dent in it. Heluva show. <S!>  

Yah win some.. some just go FUBAR. War is fun; dontcha think??  

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Offline Saintaw

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Do we need goon driver incentives??
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2001, 01:26:00 AM »
Goon drivin' Nap of the Earth is very fun !
I'm in as well for the personalised message in the Text Buffer... don't need more stinkin' perkies ! Ya all want perkies for this and for that... It'll end up with a DWEEB like me being able to fly the ME262 all the time !

PS: We need differen coloured Goons, that green stands out too much on water!

Dirty, nasty furriner.