Originally posted by Fruda
Right now, yes. My new pack will be out soon, though.
Edited for shameless self promotion.heres some update news for Wafflesounds 3.0
- Fixed 50 cals on US GVs and Us planes.
- Tweaked GE Mg34 sounds on vehicles
- Trying several variation of tankguns sounds.
- Edited Niki engine for loop pop.
- 51 engines / 262/163 cleaned up some "peak" noise that
caused some crackling in the sounds.
- tweaked some GV sounds - panzer tread for loop pop.
- Fixed Pt boats sounds - messed em up pretty good
this version.
- added material specific hit/damage/stress sounds.
- Have a few new plane sounds in the works.
- Finishing up some more stereo sounds for individual aircraft.
Also waiting on 2.1 to see what additional craft will be added and if AH2.1 sounds are updated. Will fix/create sounds based on the new 2.1