Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
I'd prefer a lot less of that. Just because his drunk/drugged *** had an "awakening" one day does not mean hes right and must shove religious zealotism down my throat.
I've heard this type of statement from a few people I know, and I can't get a specific answer for it, other than he's openly religious. They didn't quite say it that way, but that was the gist of it.
What has he done to force religion into your life?
As for the original question:
A return to the true ideals of the Republican party, ie: smaller federal government, more control at the state level.
Tax reform, tax reform, tax reform. I like my money, I work hard for it. There's got to be a better way to collect the monies to run the
needed federal programs.
The federal sales tax is the best idea I have seen and I support it fully.
An examination of the regulations on new oil refineries built in the US. There haven't been any new refineries built in years because of the restrictive regulations, while about half of the ones we had 20 years ago have shut down. They can't refine crude fast enough with the facilities thay have. Short supply of refined oil in the form of gas at the pump equals higher gas prices. Another look at ANWAR drilling after these changes will help everyone in more ways than just cheaper gas at the pump. These higher prices are choking our economy which relies heavily on trucking.
I know none of these things will happen, but that's what I'd like to see. I could type another 500 words on all kinds of other stuff, but these are the ones on my mind tonight.