Shillelagh upped 4 for the defense of A55.
We were tasked as BARCAP pretty far to the west of the field, and I have to say that the LW attack plan was flawless, and would have worked perfectly against us if we had been in La-5s...
Ok, let me explain. We took off and headed to our patrol sectors. While we on the way, we saw the bases at the nortern extremes of our patrol area start to flash. When we approached, we had contact with 190s. But there was another squad on station and engaging, so I had my guys keep their alt, and head south to patrol the radar coverage gap to the south. I thought it was a feint.
Sure enough, within a few minutes we had contact with what looked like 10 FW-190s. There were two possibilities: JABO or Fighter Sweep. We attempted to engage, and we had a pass or two, but the 190s blew past us, and there was no way we could give chase in our beloved Yak-9Ts. So we stayed on station. Had we been in La-5s we probably would have chased those 190s all the way to A55.
But since we stayed in the gap, we found some Ju-88s coming in, escorted by a few FW190s. The 190s did an excellent job of keeping us off of the bombers. -DK- managed to get one Ju-88 before being chased off, and I wasn't able to get into firing range. I pulled off the bombers, and engaged a 190. At some point in the fight I aquired a 2nd, and found myself on the deck with them. It was insane. I had a snapshot on one, but totally missed. After some crazy on the deck maneuvers, one of the 190s plowed it in, and the other dissengaged.
I RTBed to rearm and refuel, then joined the Sick Puppies to continue the defense of A55 (while I was dealing with my own crisis, the rest of my squad was taken out). We patrolled for a while, then found some Ju-88s trying an NOE attack (note to COs:NOE rarely works).
I was impressed by the attack plan, as I understood it:
Feint to the north to draw off defenders. Then JABOs blow through, drawing off more defenders, then escorted buffs should be able to get through whatever was left.
I had a lot of fun.