Author Topic: Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.  (Read 2486 times)

Offline Gixer

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #90 on: October 05, 2004, 05:16:06 PM »
I don't really think the democrats want to bring up gores pouty and dishonest grab at the election.  
lazs [/B]

I'm sure neither do the Republicans, overall it was a shocking display equally by both parties. Still don't understand how that whole system works of each state having so many electoral votes or what ever it is. So you can have more votes overall but still loose. Seems out of date to me.

And then for it all to be decided in the courts. Bad day for democracy that one.

Almost as bad as the stupid MMP system we have here in this country.


Offline Lizking

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #91 on: October 05, 2004, 05:21:47 PM »
It was not decided in the courts.  There were specific issues related to the recounting of votes in specific districts of one state, but the election was decided by the American voters, just like every other Presidential election we have held.

Offline Mighty1

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #92 on: October 05, 2004, 05:38:32 PM »
Actually it's not a bad system. It keeps bigger states from forcing their will onto others.

As far as the courts deciding the election that was another good thing.

Democrats sent a team of lawyers down to Florida to make sure everything was done legit on the recount. The recount didn't go their was so they used the courts to have another recount. That didn't go their was so they got another recount. That wasn't going their way so they went to court to change the way the count was done. That didn't work so they went back to change the way they were recounted again.  They went to court to try and get absentee ballots thrown out also.

The Republicans went to the US Supreme Court because the judges in FL were breaking federal and state laws by changing the rules.

The US Supreme Court ruled that the ballots were to be counted in accordance to Federal and State law.

Bush won. Actually he won on ALL the counts.

Just because the courts had to get involved doesn't mean it was bad. Granted it was ugly but it turned out right.

I don't mean it was right because Bush won I mean it was right because the Judges in FL had no right to change election laws nor did they have the right to make changes in the middle of an election.

There were rules and procedures that were agreed upon before the election by both parties and it was not right to try and change them during the election just because your side was losing.
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Offline Toad

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #93 on: October 05, 2004, 06:34:25 PM »
Originally posted by Gixer

And then for it all to be decided in the courts. Bad day for democracy that one.


Couldn't be more wrong, mate.

It was one of democracy's finest moments.

The people voted; there was a problem. Various recounts were made without satisfactory resolution. The Supreme Court resolved the problem.

That's EXACTLY the way the system set up by the Founders was supposed to work.

No gunfire, no riots, no murder and bloodshed. The problem just worked its way through our Constitutional system and was resolved. The Republic continued.

EC outmoded? Nah, NOW more than ever before it is needed. As for the "why" of the EC:

Electoral College serves its Purpose

...In 1956 a Republican proposal to abolish the Electoral College was defeated after a vigorous defense by Sen. John F. Kennedy.

He declared that "direct election would break down the federal system under which most states entered the union, which provides a system of checks and balances to ensure that no area or group shall obtain too much power."

Of particular concern at the time was that the South could impose a racist demagogue on the country by voting in overwhelming numbers for that regional candidate.

Kennedy observed that under the Electoral College, no candidate can be elected president who does not have substantial support in every region of the country...

That's it in a nutshell.
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Offline Elfie

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #94 on: October 05, 2004, 07:04:05 PM »
Good post Toad. your post is why I dont want the EC to go away, I just want them to be legally bound to vote the way the popular vote goes.
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Offline straffo

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Bush’s lead in poll has evaporated.
« Reply #95 on: October 06, 2004, 02:22:08 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie
You can't get rid of the EC Straffo. The EC makes sure that a few states, like California and NY with their high populations don't decide the entire vote. With the EC in place it ensures that each state has a say in the election.

My problem with the EC is that it is NOT required by law to vote the same way the popular vote goes.

I guess it's because of a different background/education but it's the part §I do find extremly shocking in the EC.

I posted this in another thread  the key part is my last sentence (but I can be wrong :))
Originally posted by straffo
we had in France something similar to the EC (albeit my country is not made of states) it sucked greatly but again this is not a federal country (we have "région" instead).

I would be pissed to see the enphasys put on some particuliar area because they are small and sucked so much they completly missed the industrial revolution.

I guess you are first citizen of a states then citizen of the USA whereas in France whatever place you are born you are french and should have the same rights whatever is your living place.