Author Topic: An observation  (Read 962 times)

Offline TheBug

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An observation
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2004, 02:34:36 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
[You have no one but you to blame for not being on the CT staff.

There is no one but me to blame for the fact that there was an election in the first place.

How did you get to be a staffer?? Oh yeah, you asked.:rolleyes:
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
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Offline Slash27

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« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2004, 02:36:08 PM »
Yeah, silly me.

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2004, 03:16:07 PM »
How tough is it to toggle the ability to capture bases (either through building toughness, disabling ord, etc.)? Seems like if you shut that off - or at least made hangars repair instantly - when there's less than 40 people it'd help prevent MA-dness from creeping in to the core of the group.

I don't so much mind the multi-national mix of planes in the MA as much as the droning tedium of everyone flying late war planes. The most interesting part of WW2 was before 1944 - when the outcome was still in question.

Usually historic match-ups fail because odds get stilted for various reasons. If the CT folks are willing to shift sides on the fly to keep somem semblance of even-ness then it could work well. But ... that makes it harder for squads to move over ... because they'll want to stay rooted.

Ramble, ramble, ramble ...

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2004, 04:07:24 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
If the CT folks are willing to shift sides on the fly to keep somem semblance of even-ness then it could work well. But ... that makes it harder for squads to move over ... because they'll want to stay rooted.

We have been struggling with this problem for quite some time.

- oldman

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2004, 04:27:47 PM »
Originally posted by TheBug
There is no one but me to blame for the fact that there was an election in the first place.

How did you get to be a staffer?? Oh yeah, you asked.:rolleyes:

Let me guess. The idea of electing CT staff was yours to begin with. *ahem*

There'll probably be more elections. Kinda depends on what effect the first one has, I reckon (or on what effect we LET it have rather than angrily bucking the system all the time just because we think we're not part of it due to not having access to the arena buttons).

* For someone who's always complaining that others steal your brilliant ideas, you sure do take chances with your claims to fame.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2004, 05:58:09 PM »
Stream I think you should consider a future as a CM or a CT Staffer (or both), you obviously have an interest in the historic stuff.
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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2004, 06:01:47 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
We have been struggling with this problem (squad motility) for quite some time.

Well, I can think of two relatively simple code changes which could fix this:

1) Add a "squad move" command such that a squad leader (or designee) could move the entire group to a different country without the disband/move/rejoin cycle. This could help in the MA as well in the ENY Era.

2) Add a switch which would allow squads to have members from multiple countries. This would be a CT/DA/SE switch which would allow folks to switch sides without losing their squadron afiliation.

Option (1) is probably easier to implement, but option (2) provides the kind of flexibility you probably want.

Offline Dennis

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« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2004, 06:24:49 PM »

You have to disband/reconstitute a squad to switch sides?  When did this start?

Back when I was in a squad, you could fly any side you wanted. You didn't lose your squadron affiliation.  That's changed?  
On non-squad nights I see members of the same squad on opposing sides occasionally.

(I am admittedly suspicious of situations when one squad member is on a different side than the rest of his unit ... but nevertheless, I've seen it).


Offline o0Stream140o

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« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2004, 06:28:10 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Well, I can think of two relatively simple code changes which could fix this:

1) Add a "squad move" command such that a squad leader (or designee) could move the entire group to a different country without the disband/move/rejoin cycle. This could help in the MA as well in the ENY Era.

This seems okay

2) Add a switch which would allow squads to have members from multiple countries. This would be a CT/DA/SE switch which would allow folks to switch sides without losing their squadron afiliation.

I don't think that this would work, I myself don't want to fly against my own squad. Some might, but I don't think this is a viable solution.

Option (1) is probably easier to implement, but option (2) provides the kind of flexibility you probably want.

Offline Redd

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« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2004, 06:31:36 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Well, I can think of two relatively simple code changes which could fix this:

1) Add a "squad move" command such that a squad leader (or designee) could move the entire group to a different country without the disband/move/rejoin cycle. This could help in the MA as well in the ENY Era.

2) Add a switch which would allow squads to have members from multiple countries. This would be a CT/DA/SE switch which would allow folks to switch sides without losing their squadron afiliation.

Option (1) is probably easier to implement, but option (2) provides the kind of flexibility you probably want.


Squads can have members on both sides now. -  so option 2 is implemented.
I come from a land downunder

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2004, 06:41:41 PM »
Originally posted by Redd

Squads can have members on both sides now. -  so option 2 is implemented.

Oh ... didn't used to be ... used to be that to move a squad you had to disband and then reconsititute in the new country.

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2004, 07:40:31 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Let me guess. The idea of electing CT staff was yours to begin with. *ahem*


It may or may not have  been mine to begin with but I was the one to see it through.

I see I've got some space rented in your head too.  Don't project your contempt for your own weaknesses upon me.  At least I wasn't squirming away when the opportunity to step up was presented.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2004, 08:12:25 PM »
Originally posted by TheBug
It may or may not have  been mine to begin with but I was the one to see it through.

I see I've got some space rented in your head too.  Don't project your contempt for your own weaknesses upon me.  At least I wasn't squirming away when the opportunity to step up was presented.

Is there a recessive gene that runs in your family that causes you to obsess over your own self importance or is this an exercise you had to learn in self esteem class? Either way, it's funny and I whole-heartedly support you keeping up this routine.

I saw you "come up with" all sorts of ideas when you saw a chance at getting your grubby paws on the magic buttons. Apparently everyone else was around when the original authors of those ideas first mentioned them and weren't impressed enough with you regurgitating them in the name of "originality" or "change" to support your despirate bid for power.

All this leads me to believe that in real life you are in either management or politics.

Ok ... now that we have this behind us. What new and original idea do you have now that will convince everyone that only you are qualified to lead the CT out of the apparent abyss it's headed to under new management? Remember .... no riding on Arlo's coat-tails ... he will drag you through a briar patch just for spite.

Carry on. :D

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2004, 08:17:32 PM »
Not clamoring anywhere on this BBS that I need to be on the CT staff.  

You talk about self worth, but it is your self fear of me that forces you to continue to target me.

I without a shadow of a doubt was the driving force behind these elections, it may have not been my original idea, but I saw it done.

I am happy that there were elections and am fine with being rejected, I played my role, and I am more than willing to give the newly elected a fair chance.  So stop pulling BS out of your ass.

You spineless Bug wanna be, I know you envy me.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2004, 08:29:55 PM »
Why don't you try to set the example. Start right now and shut up with all the "look what I just did ... again ... that you should all be thankful for" crap. If you could manage to hide the true nature of your "benevolence to others" ... you'd probably be reading the read me file on how to operate the CT arena right now. :D