Author Topic: attacking ground targets  (Read 2793 times)

Offline keyapaha

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attacking ground targets
« on: September 21, 2001, 01:56:00 PM »
I am new at flying would like some help or ideas on attacking ground targets (air fields cities industries ect)in practicing offline I have tried several ways to attack and lucky to be able to make two passes before i am killed I know these are hi-risk attacks but I do like em.
 I usually attack from about 7.5K and dive as much as the plane will let me and release my load at about 2k then loop over and straffe on my second pass mainaly going for the ack.  any way any suggestions would be nice.  :D

Offline SpitLead

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Well the best way and least risky is to do it at a higher altitude (above 7.5K AGL) level bombing.  However, if you feel you want to "go for broke" with a fighter bomber here are some tips:

First, take out the VH with your bombs.  Generally, you'll need at least 2-1000k bombs (except for VH bases).  Check your bomb craters in rear view to see if impacted on target. If it still doesn't go down strafe it until it does.  Ground Vehicles (GVs) represent a high threat to any low level base attack and they seem to proliferate like rabbits when the base is under attack.  

Secondly, have a good idea of the base layout (small, medium, large) which is basically the same for each size field.  Plan to strafe the ack so that 2-3 ack are lined up so you can take that many out on a single pass.  This will minimize the number of passes needed to knock all the ack out. After you've destroyed the last ack in each pass you MUST jink to avoid getting shot down.  Do a barrel roll or yank the stick around a lot, and changing altitude.  Extend and gain altitude so that you can do the next pass with high speed again.  Complete this until all acks are down.

Third, take out the other field objects at your leisure if no enemy aicraft are around. Starting first with the fuel to get them down to 25%.

I've found you're chances are greatly increased if others are attacking the field at the same time so don't go it alone unless you feel compelled to do it.

There you go....

SpitLead out!

Offline keyapaha

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2001, 03:05:00 PM »
Thanks spitlead  i seem to have good luck with the F6F and the Ki-61 now practiceing in the Il-3 it seems to do good also.What is the best plane to attack ground targets?

Offline flakbait

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2001, 03:55:00 PM »
Spitlead, you might want to change that tactic a bit. Carbombers require bombs, so if you take out the ammo bunkers first they're outa luck. Taking down fuel doesn't make any sense because anyone who spawns up won't take anything more than 25%. Why? They're repelling a base attack, not prepping for an invasion. Otherwise, what you posted is a great way to knock 'em dead.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb


Offline Ghosth

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2001, 06:49:00 AM »
F6f, F4u, P38, P47 all have good air to ground loadouts, and do well in the air to ground role.

Ack strafeing is an art form. Like spitlead said small jinks are a must when low over the field. As long as your changing your course often enough the ack doesn't seem to get a good bead on you.

If I'm hitting a base to limit their attack options fuel & barracks are my prime targets.

If I'm aiming for capture, acks, ord, Vehicle hanger.

On small fields especially it's easy to make 2 passes and knock out 6 or 7 of the 8 acks.
Grab a bit of alt & E and clean up whatever you missed the first passes.

Offline Bozon12

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
I'm not the best of pilots around here, but with little practice off-line i can now de-ack a field without any injuries (usually).
F4u seems to be best at it, since you can dive REAL fast and take a hit from time to time. p-51 is fast also but killed easily.
p-38 has the advantage of having 4*0.5 at the nose, so you can snipe at those acks from a much greater distance. shoot 0.5 only. save the 20mm. Beware, the p38 is a big target and can't dive at over 450 mph. you'll need to brake off sooner.
also it's safer to use rockets for de-acking purpose.
1. do not dive too steep. 45 deg is enough.
2. take out the outer acks first in a direction that puts the other as much to the side as possible.
3. learn to snipe from afar taking into consideration convergence issues.
4. to get away do not climb vertically! climb at a shallow angle to keep speed up until at safe distance. jink every less than 2 sec.

also, check out the training film from Ripsnort's site. that  one really got me going (cheers Rip!   :) )

Acks i can handle. A2A is another issue...

[ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: Bozon ]

Offline LtHans

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2001, 08:05:00 AM »
Anti-aircraft guns are made out of paper.  It doens't take much at all to kill them.

I fly in in a curve, never straight for any length of time and let out a burst of fire during a turn at the guns.  I don't stay on target waiting for it to blow up.  I KNOW it is going to die.  Veer off target BEFORE your bullets land on it.

The key to AA guns is never flying straight at them for more than a split second.


Offline Am0n

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attacking ground targets
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2001, 07:19:00 AM »
I dunno guys, when i think of de-acking a field i think of a TBM with 12-100lb bombs, 6 HVAR's. Plus if you run out of ground ordinence the 2 50s on the front are more than enough to kill ACK's.

The TBM gets you there just as fast as a fighter, plus you got 2 rear guns, and the manueverabilty of a heavy fighter at 10k+.  

If you are strictly attacking ground targets try the TBM. As far as Air warefare is concerned, try to keep them off your 6 and if they get back there you better shoot for the pilot because those 2 50s wont do much damage to the air craft.