Originally posted by Reschke
For the record the perks were already in place by Skuzzy in the arena when I added those aircraft into the setup. By disabling the perk costs it allowed all players to have access to them regardless of time in the arena. In doing that it was hoped to bring in some new players and even hold on to some old ones who don't fly as much in here instead of the MA.
For me I would rather perks didn't exist at all. I hate the perk system but that my opinion. Also I don't mind spending the extra time putting in the individual base locations for what should be rare/limited aircraft in a setup.
What you did with the set up in question was brilliant. We should use those MA Hanger queens as often as we might in the CT. That would include the Me163 and the F4U-4 as well.
Leave them unperked and readily available every other month or so for both PTO and ETO/MTO scenarios.
I think that we could (at risk of becoming predictable) start the tour in the early war and progress to late war by the end of each tour allowing a last day of the week melding of the time periods, as it were, leaving no aircraft in the inventory unused.
When we start to see additional maps then perhaps the rotation will become more varied in aircraft available but the flow would remain the same.
Sadly the blaring gaps in the planeset will prevent the kind of immersion I would like to see but we could soldier on fairly well with what we have. (early model P39 P47 P38 A36 Pony P36C Fiat G50 MC 200 Re 2001 Mid model P47 P38 Re 2005) would be nice but not likely to happen given the frequency of new model introductions with HTC's limited staff.
It would be interesting to do (using MTO as an example) a set up with spit/Hurri I/P40B vs 109E/Mc 202/110C and have it flow smoothly to SpitV/HurriIID/P40E 109F/Mc205 the following week. Furthermore since it was unlikely that all these types would be based simultaneously at all bases I would like to see certain bases fielding specific fighters and bombers being based at yet other bases. I realize this is a ton of work for the CT and HTC staff but since you asked........