Author Topic: Training Corps suggestions  (Read 877 times)

Offline flakbait

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Training Corps suggestions
« on: November 27, 2000, 07:10:00 AM »
While getting film of my Yak Snapshot with Lephturn, I told him "Be nice if htc let trainers control lethality. Make gunnery training easier." I told him this just after he blew up in mid-air from a short burst of my Yak's MGs. It would be nice if the Training Corps personnel could change lethality in the TA. This way they could give gunnery lessons and not chew up 5-10 minutes after each kill just to get back in position. It could be done with a dot command like this:

/.lephturn lethality 1

That would set Leph's damage model to 1, or normal. Set it to zero and he couldn't be killed by anything except crashing. Something he does quite often I'm told   Only the trainers would have control over this command. Sorta like CM privelages, only restricted to the TA.

Another possibility is buff hardness variable, like WBs. Anyone in the Training Corps could set the buff hardness really high. This would prevent them from being blown to bits on a rookie's first gun pass. The TC could fly bombers as target drones of sorts for gunnery training. I've been doing most of my gunnery practice offline and find it a little harder than it should be. Drones don't go down [praying for fix to this in 1.05] so you have to keep pounding them. All the while flying around the field. Drones also warp at random when they get shot at. A known bug I believe.

One last thing that could be done is to simply create another TA. Set the lethality to OFF in TA #2 just for gunnery training. It would save you a lot of time coding in the above suggestions. But the arena would be empty for the most part, unless someone needed help shooting.

Delta 6's Flight School
"I wanted to go back for another 50 missions, but they ruled it out
because I had a case of malaria that kept recurring. So I had to stay in the
States and teach combat flying. I was shot down by a mosquito! "
Frank Hurlbut, P-38 pilot


Offline Lephturn

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Training Corps suggestions
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2000, 07:14:00 AM »
A good idea.  

And yes, I do tend to crash quite often. <G>

Trainers spend quite a bit of time playing target drone, so this would help out.

It would also be nice for new folks to have a place to go where they could not be killed.  This way they could learn to fly in relative peace before venturing into a place where folks will blow them up repeatedly.  

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

"My P-47 is a pretty good ship, she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip.
Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
 - Steve Earl

Offline SKurj

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Training Corps suggestions
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2000, 06:29:00 PM »
In the AW training arena the AC that just took enough hits to be destroyed, basically blows up and respawns instantaneously in the same location at the same attitude, speed heading etc.  This would solve the reposition issue IMO +)


Offline Lephturn

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Training Corps suggestions
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2000, 06:39:00 AM »
Yeah Skurj, that would solve the issue as well.  As an added bonus, you would still get to see the effects of rounds hitting.

I don't know how this would work with damaged AC though.  What happens if you just get winged or lose your tail feathers and flutter to the ground?  You would have to be able to trigger the re-spawn by bailing as well as exploding.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

"A pig is a jolly companion,
Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt --
A pig is a pal, who'll boost your morale,
Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they've blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you,
When they've turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby and Rover,
You'll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You'll never go wrong with a pig!"
-- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

Offline SKurj

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Training Corps suggestions
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2000, 05:35:00 PM »
Perhaps have the bail, also activate the respawn..

Just an idea