Author Topic: AH what ur supposed to do...  (Read 2105 times)

Offline aknimitz

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2001, 01:00:00 PM »
Ghosth, I would work for anyone at this point, even some god-awful, conservative Republic infiltrated firm.  :D


Offline 8=X Pirate

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« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2001, 01:11:00 AM »
Btown after reading this board. i am confused are you now in charge? of trainers please tell me your not all staff should have the customer coming first your posts do not reflect this. I am aware of the leagel aspects of making some one go when called (ie makeing them an employe vs a volintier) but do rember this that the officel training staff has been few and far between and as a customer i have the right to complain and point out any and all things I feel are lacking. there are 3000 players hear and the staff is not up the the task yet it will take some time to get things strate and running smothly i hope we do not lose many in the prosses.

Pirate retired Trainer from kesmai.

Offline Betown

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« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
God No,
    I am not incharge at all. If I came across as that then I apologise. I am just trying to help Lephturn out by bringing people into the fold as far as the training thing goes.

Aparently this threat makes me look like an utter dork. Yeah, I tend to agree with the guy who said that.

So again I apologise. I was way off the mark with this thread.

Offline milnko

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« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
I wonder what my chances of being a trainer are?

Offline pimpjoe

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« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2001, 05:22:00 PM »
probably higher than mine

Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2001, 06:00:00 PM »
I have trained a trainer in AH training corps. Does that make me yoda?

Offline aknimitz

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« Reply #36 on: December 29, 2001, 11:38:00 AM »
No, it makes you the Talented Mr. Ripley  :D

Offline guttboy

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« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2002, 05:37:00 AM »
Hi Mates!!!

As some of you probably know the TIGER Squadron from Air Warrier Relaxed Realism has adopted Aces High as our new home!

I can say this about the past "encyclopedia" on this post.  

I am not an official trainer by any means but if anyone would like some help I have no problem helping out provided I am not involved in a critical Squad night mission.

For the most part I think most people are good natured and will help...the few smart alec remarks that come across usually are a few bad apples or some smart alec fighter jock....LOL.

Keep Flying.

TIGER Squadron Deputy Commander

Offline humble

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« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2002, 06:09:00 PM »

Your original post has some very valid points...BUT...until you've been there you won't have a clue. I was one of the original group of trainers in AH. Overall it was a blast and I'd certainly be open to doing it agsain. HOWEVER, you dont realize how impossible your request is. I'd spend 5-10 hours a week in the TA...then fly with a newbie in the MA if I happened to see him up. I ended up invloved in ongoing BS regarding the free for alls in TA. This caused a lot of problems and left a lot of bad feelings for many (myself included). A trainer is not on call 24/7 even HT has rules regarding questions when he is flying. When I was done my "official" tour I helped out for months till I took a break from the game. The truth is being a trainer is a tough but rewarding undertaking, but it can seriously undermine your enjoyment of the game in many ways. Trainers should always be open and willing but I do understand the need to take a bresak and just fly...don't knock it till you walk in their shoes for a bit.


[added at edit] not ment as a snippy reply pimpjoe...I understand your point and appluad your efforts...I just understand betowns reply... I amost went to WB's over the FFA thing...I did the best I could to be trainer/shrink/police force and got flamed all around for it. It truely is a job where you feel you can't be right...but always seem to be "wrong". A trainer is supposed to spend a reasonable amount of time in the TA "on duty"...the rest of the time he spneds logged on is his was a lesson I never learned till I burned out on it.

Best wishes to all

[ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: humble ]

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Don

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« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2002, 02:58:46 PM »
Since I began flying AH I realized I needed help, and came here to the BBS and asked for it. I got a response after a short period of time. I arranged via e-mail with Lephturn to meet with one of the other trainers; a guy I knew when I was a beta tester for AH about 3 years ago.
I met with my assigned trainer several times, and then our meetings fell off due to conflicts on my end. The training was helpful and I benefited from my sessions. This was at a time when the number of active pilits was relatively small (by comparison). Since then, things have changed drastically.

I have posted elsewhere on this BBs about what I percieve as a growing problem regarding training, and the training arena.
There are too few trainers for the increasing numbers of people coming to fly. I cannot count the number of times I am up, and hear over my country channel or over CH1, requests for help from new guys about a particular aspect of the sim.
I used to try and help out but stopped doing it. You see, if you are new, and haven't bothered to read the help files, or fly offline, there is no way you can learn to fly in a competitive arena like MA. I could tell by the questions asked that the person needs help from step 1, and the person is trying to bypass the basics and go up and kill sumthing; aint gonna happen.

Now AH has trainers but, is there a training program? One that has a set of policies, assigned staff and persons responsible for scheduling, assignments, topics to be covered and by whom? And is there a posted schedule of availability and a set of topics assigned to a particular night or day (for the Euros).
From my perspective, no, there isn't one. Not yet, but I think that it is coming. But there are other issues related to the training arena that have to be addressed also. The riff raff have to be cleared out of there; trainers have to be given privs to censure those who would go there to disrupt. These are issues which have  not been addressed yet, to my knowledge.
Pyro has recently posted info about the expansion of the sim/game. We see large numbers in the MA, more than another sim I flew for years with an established community. I have never seen these kind of numbers in an online flight sim before.
Its going to take some adjustment to accomodate these numbers in terms of the hardware; policies and procedures etc.; all of which takes time.
Hell if a guy doesn't know how to take off, what can you tell him in the MA? Whats this button for? What does this do? Whats a good plane to fly? What are perk points and where do I get some of them?
Yeah, Trainers get free stuff maybe (hell I don't know) but given the circumstances, IMO it would be a thankless job, and I would feel they couldn't pay me enough to fly for free and train guys like the ones I just described. I would have to stop my enjoyment every night/day (perhaps even during a planned squad night) to log out and go and teach some guy the manual and then teach him/her how to fly and not get killed?  Then we might lose half of our woefully small training staff.
I counsel patience,and trust that HT and Pyro, and their new staff support person will be addressing many things they haven't had a chance to up til now.
It's one thing to beat up on a person w/o benefit of walking in their shoes but, its another to actually experience what the reality is. If you want to become a trainer do it for the right reasons, and not to make a point that you can do it better.
We can have a buttload of trainers but, if there is no structure to  fit the needs, it'll be an exercise in frustration no matter what the intention.

Offline Jaekart

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« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2002, 07:28:07 PM »
I am very glad as a newbie that has yet to fly AH ONLINE. to find a thread like this, concerning being helped.  So far, ALL  of my flight time is offline, trying out a lot of the different things that I have seen discussed, different BFM's, ACM's, etc.  I am also using the other sections,  " Hardware ", " Connectivety ", etc., to get my system set up as best I can, prior to attempting to engage in the ONLINE Mode.  

  While it may seem strange to those that just jump in and go whole hog from the get-go, there are people that prefer to at least have an idea about what is going on, before jumping in with both feet.   I find it to be a lot less frustrating, to at least have an idea as to what I am supposed to be doing, and feel good that there will be somebody there to help, when whatever it is I am attempting to do does not work in the way I understood it should.

  For My part, having been a Squadron CO in another Flight Sim, I can easily understand the frustrations involved in being a Trainer, and having a training session disrupted.  Some of the ideas I have seen and would like to see come to fruition, would be a list of Trainers available,  The times training sessions could be held, as well as the subject of the proposed Training Session.   I would dearly love to see some type of chat room set up for a particular subject to be taught, with a follow on session putting the training into effect.  Possibly on some of the nights that there are no other scheduled events going on.  I totally agree that it takes a lot of determination and effort to be able to BE a decent trainer.  

Perhaps something I saw on the 412th FS Braunco Mustangs Website might help.  They have a section set up for Jobs that need to be Done within the Squadron.  Commo Oficer, Intel Officer, Etc.   Perhaps Lephturn, BeTown, or somebody else, with the time available and willing to step up and take a swing at it, could gather the info on WHO is available, as well as QUALIFIED, to teach a certain subject.  Once a Trainor and assistant trainer were selected, for a specific subject, an announcement could then be made on the BB that training in a certain area was to be conducted, and would be scheduled, as soon as enough people responded and signed up for the training.  I know it used to frustrate the dickens out of me to have squad members harp on needing training in a certain area, set up the training, ( to include an instructor, sometimes from a different Squad, ) and have few if any show up on time.  It was also very embarassing, to say the least.

  To preclude a Trainor wasting His/Her valuable time, I feel very strongly that the training should be done as a scheduled affair, with sign-ups etc., a time limit for joining the session, and then locking the door after a fair time.  It does not seem fair at all to those that were responible enough to be there on time, for someone to come in late and need everything done over again.  Of course, this would give fuel to  those that enjoy getting hacked off because they were'nt on time, and the world should have stopped and waited for them to show up, but, such is life.:p

  Hopefully, I have given something constructive in My reply.  I quite agree with DON that a Trainor within the TA, especially during a scheduled event, and at any other time, should have the ability to remove or at least silence those that attend in order to disrupt what others are attempting to do.

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« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2002, 08:38:37 AM »
>>>>While it may seem strange to those that just jump in and go whole hog from the get-go, there are people that prefer to at least have an idea about what is going on, before jumping in with both feet. <<<<

What you describe is the way I went through it, it is the best way IMO, if you want to avoid frustration. I am certain there are many experienced pilits in AH who are willing to train others. But, it is difficult and awkward to do it on the spur of the moment.
I think the best thing to do is to visit these topic areas and get information, again this is what worked for me, so that I could ask for, and receive an arranged appt with a trainer.
The worst thing is to simply download the game, fire it up and find out you can't fly and then begin flooding the country channel and CH1 with questions about how to play the game.
There is a bottleneck right now, those pilits who fly will recommend that they go to the training arena but, there is noone there, and no posted schedule of when they should come back; this needs to be addressed.
I believe it'll happen soon. And Jaekart, if ever you are up and you see my name on the roster, gimme a yell. I will be happy to spar with you over in the TA. I also found that helps a lot to put together what I had read about and viewed on films. :)
I'll be seeing ya.

Offline Geeesy

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« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2002, 10:29:17 AM »
Originally posted by Jaekart
To preclude a Trainor wasting His/Her valuable time, I feel very strongly that the training should be done as a scheduled affair, with sign-ups etc.,

Good ideas Jaekart. I was Trainer on the german WB server for a while *opening a box of "in the past everything was better"*... There we had 2 evenings within the week for scheduled training and most of the time in between we wasn't bothered by requests for help in the MA. This may sound as it worked fine but it didn't. Actually we were only 3-5 Trainers each night (most of us worked on both dates), due to the german server had no charge for playing most people weren't eager to become trainer in order to get a free account. I was used to train something about 4-6 up to 8-10 people on some extreme nights at one time. Although it made much fun it was some rough work sometimes, which fed up many trainers while time passed by... Well and that while we had *only* something about 60 players on the rush hour at night in the main. How many are it here? 300? 400? I think scheduled training like on (pardon for naming a concurrent...) iEN is actually a good idea if you have enough trainer for that, and with enough I mean alot with the numbers here. But the last time I looked here and you could see the trainer names on the web about 1 year or less ago it looked like there wasn't too many of them. So this thing about training people on request seems very well for me. At least you can assume from somebody who came to this BBS or read the info about training and emailing lephturn should know how to start his engines and furthermore you can see he is interesting into going a little bit more deeper in this game and really wanna learn. I've seen many newbies coming in for training but apearently not willing to listen, just "lets get up! eek eek eek! cooooome ooooon, lets get up and do some fights!!! Shut up and fight!".:)

Uh oh better stop this fishing out of old stories.;) Sorry for bothering you so long and my worse grammar...

Offline daddog

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AH what ur supposed to do...
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2002, 05:39:32 PM »
Ghosth, I would work for anyone at this point, even some god-awful, conservative Republic infiltrated firm

You are now Nim.  Weekly Events Team.  ;)
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Offline indian

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« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2002, 05:26:22 PM »
Humble I totlaly agree with your post. I had same feelings as you just didnt totaly quit game. The worse I saw was when Trainers openly faught among them selfs in the arena and on this BBS.
I too would go back as others have said and dont need the free account. As one of the first trainers I didnt care when I was asked I went to the training arena. But it did get old after awhile when I was not a trianer and the new ones wernt as helpful. Mow Icant even find a list of who is a trainer anymore.