One farther comment, I believe that Indian explains it quite well. Indian says "Shooting your guns is like using a water hose".
Lets say you are going to water a plant and you only get 2 seconds of water flow from your hose.
If you point the hose at the right spot, you can get most of the water on the plant. This would be the above EX1 of straight flight path to target.
However, if you swing the hose past the plant you use the same amount of water, but not much goes on the plant. This would be EX2 where the plane is under G load.
Too make matters worse, say that the plant is moving in a way opposite the movement of the hose. You can definatley hit the plant, but with hardly any water.
A third way is possible and happens frequently. This case is where you are moving the hose at the same rate that the plant is moving and in the same direction.
In this case, you and your target are both under G load and also manuvering in the same plane of motion.
BTW Andy has put up a very good discussion of this. A good read!
All in all this is probably much more information than what was oringinaly requested, but I am sure it won't hurt anyone to know it.
Good Luck!
The Wrecking Crew
"So what do you post here? Poetic love letters?"