'Can of worms'...? No...not as long as we have spirited, yet considerate responses as the last posts have shown.
When it comes to viewing systems, we all get to pick the one we like the best...or we should get to pick one. Each person's take on 'what it really looks like' is unique, and it would be truly wonderful if a sim offered all choices to its players. But, they don't.
AH probably has the most inclusive, most adaptive set of fixed views I've ever seen. They are very well done.
But do fixed views provide a feel for 'what it looks like for real'?
I don't think so, and I've written much on why. I don't try to persuade anyone to forego their own preference...I try to explain how the RL BFM experience can best be replicated in a sim.
I go back to my RL experience and use that to explain how BFM is taught in RL...how the student is taught to visualize the three dimensional environment...how advantage and disadvantage is conferred through split-plane maneuvering.
Is it possible to do that in a sim? To a great extent, yes. It's called the 'player to target' external view. It provides essentially the same perspective on an engagement that the RL BFM instructor does when he uses stick models (or his hands)...and in today's high tech world, that is still how BFM is taught.
I have always thought that if we took two players of equal competence...one who favored fixed views, the other one who uses the external...and let them duke it out, the external guy would be in the other's chili...every time!
Why? Because the external view provides as much of the whole picture as is possible...the fixed view can't (without constant switching views).
To me, the challenge in using fixed views is in manipulating the views. The advantage goes to the person with the most configurable flight stick/throttle...the person that has to use the key board is at a disadvantage. It's all a matter of time. If you want to know the academics of this, see my BFM articles that go into the OODA Loop concept ("It's All a Matter of Perspective" series, Air Combat Corner,
www.simhq.com). This view management becomes the focus in BFM when using the fixed views...as Verm says, "Lose sight, lose fight". This is all well and true. Keeping a tally is obviously critical.
But so is lift vector control and horizon awareness...and here the fixed viewing system is less effective.
The result...in my opinion...is that the fixed view folks spend more time in manipulating the views to maintain a tally than they do in lift vector orientation. It's not that they don't understand BFM...it's just the limitation of the views...the fixed view simply does provide enough of the 'big picture' in any one look.
The external player target view does...at least as much as we can expect considering the limitations of a computer monitor.
Folks have been anti-external for a good ten years now...much of it began with anti-cheat issues when on-line play became popular with Falcon3.
Others put aside the view on the grounds that it is 'unrealistic'. While I fully support their freedom of choice in the matter, at some point, the issue gets academic. That's what I tried to get into in my articles.
One other issue crops up in this discussion...the one of situational awareness (SA). Fixed view folks say that they have better SA because they can slew the view around to watch what's going on around them. No argument there...the fixed view system does that well...unlike the padlock or external system.
The problem is that in RL, once engaged, pilots have little opportunity to 'scan around'. It just doesn't happen...at least not much. That's what wingmen are for!
It's a shame that you guys with all your super enthusiasm cannot experience a furball for real. I've been in fights where upwards of 30 aircraft all came together at once...all with one objective in mind...killing the bandit! SA? Forget it...you won't believe how that goes out the window once the fight starts. Each pilot has three goals...pick out a target and kill it...keep from being someone else's target...and keep from running into somebody else.
I've seen all three goals met...and not met.
So, where are we in all this? I'd like to see two things. One, everyone be as smart as possible about how BFM is flown...and second, that we all afford each other the option of picking how we make that happen.
Fixed views, padlock, external...no matter. Let's just have some fun and be as inclusive as we can in the process!
[This message has been edited by Andy Bush (edited 12-26-2000).]