This was a hoot....least till the end. I had no idea this plane was this much fun to fly....'ve got some "1 on 1" lala vs is a high bounce basically angle fight him...good if your looking for a feel on how to combat similiar plane good pilot from a neg e situation....2nd is a low rev lala to lala with him maybe 1.0 back...since its same plane its a pilot/tactics match....good in that it shows the whole "inside track vs outside track" thingie....basically I've got less E but he's flying the outside track...probably the most critical differance between newer sticks and "aces" is understanding E state. If you look at the film above...eeven though I'm 1 vs 2, then 3 then 4 then 5 I'm still using the vertical...often theres a con less than 300 out somewhere but not with enough E to get a stable one point I'm at the bottom of the mess and spiral climb up and out a alot of these clips you'll see me drag up the other guy often with him in "guns" range (lala clips)...key part of the learning curve...