In 15 years I never imagined having to put a gig of ram in any puter that wasn't serving some kinda database utility or report generating and least unlikely would be a Citrix or Termserver.
Guy at work gives me Doom 3 and my Athlon 2800/512ddr choked on it... Not being the one at work not to be able and partake in the Doom frag fest work championship I just had to run to the store and get some more digital steroids on a stick...
Its a milestone booting up with a gig of ram that made Doom run better but not perfect, still a little choppy but I havent resigned to setting the graphics down a notch... yet...
Ah2 kicks butt on 1 gig of ram...seriously.... Dont believe me see for yourselfs for about $180!?
I set the video to use system memory to store textures and it runs about 744 megs of system ram.. Smooth as ice... No more vox stutters, hat view stutters.. Etc... Impressive so far...