109 is pleasant to fly,behaves well in a fast dive(use manual trim to achieve this),has concentrated firepower(nose),turns pretty well at certain speeds and has of course the good climb.Bad sides are the quite vulnerable radiator,a bit obstructed 6oc view,average roll rate and small ammo capacity for cannons(get close before shooting
And to Tac...Just bring it on
P38 is even poorer diver than 109G...Use this to extend from them.Also at lower speeds P38 rolls worse than 109,so use this too.At higher speed P38 rolls better.If You get he other engine of the P38-->he's ded.Most important is not to let the P38 jump You,quite hard to shake.
Use of gondolas adds a punch but affects the maneuverability,especially in G-6.And also drops some MPH off the speed,but not so noticeable in the G-10.In comparison between diff models of 109's...109F-4 is the best turning one,even with gondolas.G-2 is still very maneuverable without them and outmaneuvers a G-6/G-10 with them.G-6 is best as "clean",but if only engaging bombers-->gondolas.G-10 is the climb/speed monster.Not the most agile,but Supongo seems to fly it like a F-4
Gondolas for bomber busting.
20mm/30mm...Available for G-6/G-10.Good shooting skills needed for the 30mm,but 1-2 hits down a fighter for sure.20mm gives ammoload of 150rds and that is more than adequate,if You get closer than 250-300d.Also the ballistics of the 13mm(G-6/G-10) and 20mm are pretty close,so U can fire them simultaneously.The 7.9mm(F-4/G-2) are just annoying the enemy,if You don't hit the cockpit area.
In overall the 109 needs a bit more practise to get used to than the more "easier" planes,but it is worth it.Stall is more mild than in the 190 in comparison.
I hope thsi helped and enjoy flights in the Mercedes of the skies
Lentolaivue 34