Author Topic: Exploding Drones  (Read 1696 times)

Offline 6GunUSMC

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Exploding Drones
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:21:03 PM »
I have sent HTC films demonstrating this problem 3 times.  I have followed the instructions "Take off 90-95% throttle"  I even sent a film showing an exploding drone with takeoff throttle below 75%! (DIFFICULT to get a loaded bomber off the ground like this)  This is AT BEST hit or miss.  I am angry that HTC has chosen to ignore this bug and all replies on the boards say the same damned thing... Take off at 90 - 95% throttle.... raise flaps, etc... I have heard several people complain about this, it wasnt a horrible problem in AH1 but in AH2 the bugs just keep getting buggier.   :mad:

Offline Wolf14

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 02:50:42 PM »
I'm getting to that point myself. Tired of wasting fuel/ time/ alt waiting for my drones to form providing I haven't lost them. Alot of my bomber deaths are from intentional crashing after losing a drone. It aint worth it to me to do a high alt bombing run if I lose a drone on take off while trying to be as careful as I can to get the dang things to form up.

Offline acetnt367th

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« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 05:18:36 PM »
try this - use 100% throttle and no flaps. When off the ground bring up gear go level to get over auto climb then hit auto climb - you never loose a bomber this way

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 06:19:11 PM »
Never lost a drone on take off my entire AH life.


 Okay, that's a lie. I've lost some drones on take off my entire AH life. I think I lose about average 1~2 drones during a month.

 If there's some bug in the system that makes drones catching up difficult, I guess it should be fixed. I'm just curious as to howcome I never lose any drone.

 A little tip: Sometimes, turns help. IIRC, the drone 'homing mechanism' starts action above 200ft AGL, during the initial take off - climb out, is usually when a drone or two falls behind.

 In that case, gain solid ground clearance of over 500ft AGL, and then start a very gentle turn on the side the drone is lagging - the drones usually go into a lead turn and catch up with you quickly.

Offline 6GunUSMC

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Exploding Drones
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2004, 07:25:28 PM »
The best I can tell is that the problem is worse the heavier the load the bomber is carrying.  I prefer to make long, high-altitude bomb runs.  This being the case I carry a heavy load of bombs and fuel.  Anyone else see the same thing?

Offline kevykev56

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« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2004, 10:17:40 PM »
To keep the drones I will pull the nose up until the stall horn is buzzing and I am about to stall while at 100% throttle. I keep it in this attitude until the drones start to pull up and latch on. After they have started pulling up to me I will dive down and cut throttle a bit.  leveling out when I am lower than my drones. The drones will then stay with me "Most of the time".  It really annoys people when I am on an NOE mission but Its the only way to keep my drones. It usually only takes about 15-20 seconds to get them attached this way. Gamey but it works.

RHIN0 Retired C.O. Sick Puppies Squadron

Offline 6GunUSMC

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« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2004, 11:51:21 PM »
should it require all of that effort???

Offline Flossy

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Exploding Drones
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 03:59:39 AM »
Originally posted by 6GunUSMC
should it require all of that effort???
Now that's funny!  :lol   It's not a great deal of effort to take off and keep the drones; just takes a bit of patience.  On one flight last night I wasn't paying attention and the take-off direction wasn't the best with hills close to the end of the runway.... I lost both my drones.  I tried again, this time taking off into the opposite direction - OK, I'll have to turn after take-off, no biggie.....   This time the end of the runway was clear and flat, so I hit full throttle and took off.  After getting airborne and gear up, I then levelled off at about 500 ft, went to outside view and pan view mode (F8) to watch as the drones caught up and formed.  Usually they will form OK at 100% throttle, but backing off slightly sometimes helps them to close a bit easier.  As soon as they were formed, it was back to full throttle, I started my turn and began climbing.  Yes, it was well-worth the effort for what turned out to be a successful bomb-run.  :)
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline WesDawg

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« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2004, 04:02:21 AM »
Can I assume ya'll are referring to B-24's?   I fly Lancs almost exclusively and sometimes B-17's, and never have a problem unless it's self-induced.  

Also, not to insult anyone's intelligence, but you can get almost anywhere you need to go in AH on no more than 50% gas on any hvy bomber and rarely anymore do you need any flaps at all for takeoff.

On takeoff, If you stay at or below 200 ft AGL until gaining airspeed, your drones should actually fly slightly ABOVE you, then you can safely autoclimb out and steer from your chin gun position/ext. view without kicking off autopilot.


Offline Flossy

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« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2004, 04:12:55 AM »
In my case above it was Lancasters, but I have successfully used the same method for B24s, B17s and Ju88s.  :)
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline 6GunUSMC

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« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2004, 10:59:00 AM »
Originally posted by Flossy
Now that's funny!  :lol   It's not a great deal of effort to take off and keep the drones; just takes a bit of patience.  On one flight last night I wasn't paying attention and the take-off direction wasn't the best with hills close to the end of the runway.... I lost both my drones.  I tried again, this time taking off into the opposite direction - OK, I'll have to turn after take-off, no biggie.....   This time the end of the runway was clear and flat, so I hit full throttle and took off.  After getting airborne and gear up, I then levelled off at about 500 ft, went to outside view and pan view mode (F8) to watch as the drones caught up and formed.  Usually they will form OK at 100% throttle, but backing off slightly sometimes helps them to close a bit easier.  As soon as they were formed, it was back to full throttle, I started my turn and began climbing.  Yes, it was well-worth the effort for what turned out to be a successful bomb-run.  :)

Flossy... ya missed my point entirely... WHY cant they just fix the %$*&#oscar*%^!! BUG???  I have no problem with a little effort... but this is CLEARLY a problem that should be fixed.  I write smaller applications for my company and our clients... If I ever gave them anything so problematic I would be fired if I didnt fix it quickly.

Offline kevykev56

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« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2004, 05:09:10 PM »
Originally posted by 6GunUSMC
should it require all of that effort???

No it should not.

RHIN0 Retired C.O. Sick Puppies Squadron

Offline Flossy

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« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2004, 07:52:46 PM »
Sorry.... I don't think it is a bug!  You could just as well say, "Why should dog-fighting be so much effort?"  It needs to be a bit of a challenge otherwise it would be too boring!    :rolleyes:
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline 6GunUSMC

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« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2004, 09:40:52 PM »
flossy thats so off base!  incorrect comparison to say the least!   We are talking about a problem in the software causing needless lost aircraft on takeoff.  i dont complain about what happens in combat (unless it is related to other bugs) but this is ridiculous...

Offline detch01

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« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2004, 11:53:17 PM »
6Gun, the only time I have this problem is when I use auto-takeoff or forget to get the flaps off quickly enough. I use manual take-off, 100% power until airborne and 140mph or so, back off to 95% power, level and let the drones saddle up, then autoclimb at 100% power. Works every time for me in all the formation capable bombers.
Having flaps down does seem to cause me to lose the left drone if I leave the flaps on too long.

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