Author Topic: Alright, GFX Cards. I'm Out of the Loop  (Read 261 times)

Offline XNachoX

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Alright, GFX Cards. I'm Out of the Loop
« on: November 27, 2004, 10:18:56 PM »
I stopped reading up on the ATI cards around the 9800's and the Nvidia's past GF4 4600's.

So what's ATI's newest offerings for gaming and what's Nvidia's?  I'm buying a new PC soon and under the descriptions of a lot of the new cards it says PCI Express compatible (Link) ?  Does that mean it's a PCI card or AGP?


Misty tales and poems lost
All the bliss and beauty will be gone
Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease
In the end Iliad

Offline Estes

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Alright, GFX Cards. I'm Out of the Loop
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 10:28:08 PM »
PCI express is nether PCI nor AGP. It's a whole different slot.

Have to have a motherboard that has one. I would reccomend staying away from it for the time being.

Top 'o' the line ATI card would probably be the X800- XT.

Top 'o' the line Gforce card is the 6800 Ultra (I think)

Offline acetnt367th

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Alright, GFX Cards. I'm Out of the Loop
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 11:51:22 PM »
Actually, he should consider buying a computer with PCI express - to have a better upgrade path.