Author Topic: tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d  (Read 890 times)

Offline terracota

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« on: April 19, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
lately Im having real trouble against La-5 or the other model, dont now but I guest both have almost the same performance.
ok Im flying the dhog if I find a la-5 at low alt(both) almost same E Im dead.
if I find it at above 20k same E Im dead.
I now that the la-5 is a low to medium alt figther and the dhog a high alt figther.
hes faster than me, he out turns me he out climbs me
so if I dont have the E advantage thres no way to win or "scape".
how is that the la5 have a poor high alt performance? and the hog have a good alt performance?? I dont see the difference so I made some offline test:

0-5k la5 won at climb rate and cruise speed
5-15k both the la and the dhog have the same cruise speed, the la have just a little advantage with climb rate .
15-20k both figthers have the same performance in cruiser speed and climb rate
about 295 mph and 2.25 feets per minute climb rate.
how the hell should I win or scape????
if I choose angles tactics hes a better turning figther, if I choose E tactics he is a better E figther, If I run at 0g dive he catchs me , and my last option: make a straigth down dive to compress (niks, spits, etc die a lot this way   ) what a surprise he can dive with me too.

any good dhog driver now a way to win or scape from that amazing plane? of course if you are same or worst E than him.

any explanation about alt adavantages in performance of the hog vrs. la5?
what Im doing wrong?

and remember no friendlies involved just 1 vrs. 1 same E states more than 20k alt figth

thanks for any help

VMF-115 Joe´s "Jokers"

[This message has been edited by terracota (edited 04-19-2001).]

Offline Ripsnort

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2001, 01:46:00 PM »
This is why I save the LA-5 for special occasions, it will surprize not only Hogs, but Niki's and LA-7's that think they can turn with it..

My advice would be to separate yourself once in contact and try to get an altitude advantage before re-engaging.

I'm not known for outstanding ACM or BFM, so maybe someone will come by and tell you different...

Offline Ghosth

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2001, 05:36:00 PM »
Well I've flown the La-7 almost exclusively  since it came out, and before that the La5n.

You have 3 choices IMO.
#1, Kill it in the first HO pass.
#2, Run like heck, hope he won't follow.
#3, Die trying

From experience if I can avoid the first couple HO's they are toast, just a matter of time & staying saddled up.

Offline terracota

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2001, 09:49:00 PM »
damn!!! ghost you are increasing my fear  

btw ripsnort you mean when I see it like 6.0k dont try the merge and go to other way and try to climb ????


Offline illo

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2001, 04:17:00 AM »
1. Fly with wingman.

Try this. Dive to get your speed up when he closes at your 6 then roll on your back cut throttle and pull hard 90dgr to vertical dive. Open up throttle then roll 90dgr and pull up to level flight. Works in 190a8 at least. This way i can make him overshoot. Usually he doesnt want to bleed too much E and soon pulls up and climbs. Then i just point my nose down and unload gaining as much separation as i can. I usually run to nearest friendlies at this point.

In 190As i somehow had best results using wide..almost rolling scissor type pull and roll combos, accelerating and then again bleeding my E fast to make him overshoot.

Btw can someone explain physics of why 190 bleeds E so much faster than La5FN. I thought these were very similar sized and shaped planes.



Offline Apache

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2001, 08:23:00 AM »
Since tour 13, I have flown the La5 and 7 exclusively. The Corsair (both c & d models) has been the easiest kill for me. Thus far, I am 56 - 17 against it. I have found the most difficult thing for me to follow is when the Corsair uses it's better roll rate and dive speed. Anything else and I am able to latch on and not let go.

[This message has been edited by Apache (edited 04-20-2001).]

Offline Ripsnort

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2001, 08:25:00 AM »
Yes, when the dot turns from "dot" to "Icon", about D6.0, and you are co-alt..turn and climb the other way...if he follows, level out, get away, get alt, come back with alt.  

Offline Lephturn

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2001, 08:36:00 AM »
Yes, both the La's are very good all around planes.  Particularly the La7.  It's so good, it's really quite scary.  It turns better and is faster than many of the late war planes in AH.  Those it can't out-turn it can out-run, and those it can't out-run it can out-turn.  It also has very good acceleration.  The bottom line is, if you don't have an E advantage don't engage one.  Now you really shouldn't ever expect to engage at a disadvantage and win, but it's particularly difficult versus a fighter that is so good in all areas.

Believe it or not, my favourite plane to tackle La7's in is the Hellcat.  I know, I'm crazy.    It turns better I find, and it dives very well.  I use this to mix it up with them when I can, and if they try to run the F6F5's fantastic diving ability can often nail them before they get enough separation to escape.  However, you need an energy advantage to expect to win, and if it gets down to the deck in a slow fight, the La7's great acceleration will win the day.  If you like cannons, I would think Spit IX would be a tough opponent for an La7.  Certainly the La7 is faster, but the spit turns well and retains energy very well, it's a good choice.  A Yak would be a tough opponent for an La7 as well.

As to your situation.  "If I find an La-7 co-E I'm dead."  Well yeah, most times I would expect that.  The F4U is an energy fighter and a damned good one, but you need an energy advantage to make it work.  Your getting killed because the La-7 is fast enough to keep you from disengaging at will and turns well enough to kill you if you stay in the fight co-E.  The solution is "don't engage co-E".  As I think Bob Shaw once said when asked what to do when engaging in a co-E situation:  "Why the &*$% would you ever engage co-E."

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

A proud member of the mighty Flying Pigs

Check out Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH articles and training info!

Offline Apache

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
Agreed Lephturn. Anything that can out turn the La seems to be the most trouble, for me anyway. Personally, if I see a greater than 90 degree (sustained) turn, I disengage and extend. The spit gives me the most problem.

Offline terracota

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tha amazing la-5 vrs. the f4u1-d
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2001, 10:14:00 AM »
thanks for reply and help to all  

btw thats why we need a hystorical arena
not a MA and a HA, they can make the MA into HA.
because the hog dont was maded thinking how to defeat the LA because both are allies planes  .
but in a HA you dont will have to figth it
HTC just have to make a map with pacific and european map .
how??? oh well a good map designer can make a map with one part of the map be the pacific zone and other part the european
fields a1 a3, a6, etc that are placed on the pacific just have the pacific planes enabled, and the same with the european, but what if I take off from pacific to european side with my plane with 100 fuel and 2 DTs? well this map should be big enougth to make that fly very long like go in a pt boat from 1 side of the map to the other on the actual isles map  , no one will want to make this long trip, dont now if theres a way to compress tha maps to increase the actual scale.
but hell Im tired to fly just hogs at the pacific, well your country should have some fields at europe too, this way we will figth too, to win pacific or european war then comes the reset.
well is just my idea and dont now if it is poible to make it.
