Andy -
As you correctly point out, very few simmers have the luxury of your background and training.
So, why is it that some of your posts are so cryptic? Why do you introduce terms nobody has ever heard before... and then neglect to define them?
Vector Roll is merely the latest. You use it twice and claim that it will reduce both speed and closure, yet nowhere do you offer the least guidance on how this maneuver is performed, or what makes it different from a Barrell Roll or any other kind of roll.
Why? If your purpose is truly to reduce confusion and misinformation, why the abstruse terms and the lack of any explanation?
The entirety of your first post in this thread consists of:
They certainly are!!
The Lag Roll is used to control closure and/or range. A Barrel Roll is used to control aspect. These maneuvers require considerable differences in flight control/throttle input.
Which is somewhat less than helpful. All it really says is, "I know more than you do."
Guess what? When it comes to ACM, you probably do. Big surprise.
But, rather than share what you know, what those "differences in flight control/throttle input.", are, you sit there playing "I've Got A Seeeecret."
Do you even begin to understand how unhelpful and unnecessary that is?
I probably find it particularly annoying because I just lay out what I know (or don't know) and let anyone with better information refute me. That way, everybody learns something.
Hedging in regard to ACM is important, but one can also qualify statements to the point where they lose all meaning. Most of us are knowlegebale enough to know that everything carries an implied "sometimes but not always".
Here's an unvarnished truth for you though - Not only do none of us know it all, but none of us knows how to present what we know in a way that everyone can understand.
The more people there are contributing to the discussion, the more information comes to light, and the more likely it is that somebody will hit on something that makes sense to at least one other person.
Since humans seem to gain something from that kind of discussion and challenge to each other's assertions, I find that a "Good Thing". YMMV.