Author Topic: Help with the 109  (Read 735 times)


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Help with the 109
« on: December 31, 1999, 06:01:00 AM »
Hi guys

i'm kinda for the 109 my favourite ride in the brand w flightsim i cant get a grip on here in ah. especialy after the last version change i'm unable to handle her at all.  first  i thought it might be the missing experience in ah (around 4-5h total) but i took the nik up and it worked fine. got killes died only because of my own stupidity  everything like normal   but with the 109 it's a total different story. i think of myself that i understand the 109 in wb. i can hold up against some "better" planes and usualy only die because of my sa problem. but here it is completely different. none of the moves i learned work.  used to fight verticaly i find myself spinning way to often (ok  might be the missing flight hours) and even more importante  i'm unable to come to a gun solution. this thing bounces all over the place. no other chance as to spray and pray. with the ammo of the 109 not the best choice to say the least. how often did i had a con right in front and wasn't able to hit him at all.  might be the way i fly. i use rudder a lot. in the "other" sim i get killed the moment someone takes out my rudder.  but i found that i have to use it here the same way i`m used to. topping this all off is my feeling that the old famouse spiral climb doesn't work any more as good as he should.  
i don't know what to do any more. i stopped flying the 109 before i get rid of the whole ah thing in frustration.  maybe i just don't see what i'm doing pls, if u know the trick  let me know. (is it possible that low CPU HP has something to do with it too ?????)


The best approach to a surprise, make your attack and disappear and start a new attack. Don't get engaged and make it a dogfight.
Lt.General Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe


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Help with the 109
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 1999, 07:18:00 AM »

Don't know about the 109, because they are only targets to me. But there are several good posts about nose bounce around the BB. I sugggest you search for nose bounce & Vermillon, he and others posted some great info.

Pony Pilot

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Help with the 109
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 1999, 01:42:00 PM »
I'm not a 109 expert Jaeger, but my guess is that you just need more flight hours here to get the feel of the flight models  

I really stink in the 109 in WB's, but I feel that the 109 here in AH is much more forgiving.

Pretty soon, you will be killing with your old ease.  

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,
"Real men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires ;) "

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Help with the 109
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 1999, 02:48:00 PM »
As for forgiving, well....

Be sure to cut power when you are slow on top of your Immelmann, otherwise 2000 hp will take over controls  

It is not forgiving, you can't use WEP and auto climb at 15k+, you have to keep it steady by hand.

Still, with new FM revision, 109 feel is closer to WB K-4.


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Help with the 109
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2000, 08:45:00 AM »
So far in V.43 of AH, the 109 has the worst kill ratio (.86) of any fighter.  


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Help with the 109
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2000, 12:16:00 PM »
thnx for the help guys.

and eskimo   guess that is true for the most sims. the 109 is no easy plane to fly but in ah it is impossible for me.
we will see, maybe i will overcome my frustration and try it again. probably i will wait for some time and some versions so HTC can tweak the flight modell a little. i hope that at least one sim will have a 109 that holds the true potential. she was one of the best fighters of her time but i can't believe this statement seeing here in all the sims where only the dedicated Luftwaffe aces are able to get the good results out of her. .... oh, for sure i'm not anouncing a new conspiracy theorie   ;-)


The best approach to a surprise, make your attack and disappear and start a new attack. Don't get engaged and make it a dogfight.
Lt.General Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe