Quick question for HTC, on the level of Detail,
Say I have my Detail maxed out (i.e. all the way to the left) I see a lot of trees and ground detail...I hide my tank in the trees,
Now what will a player see that has the Detail set to the minimum (i.e. all the way to the right)?
The reason why I am asking is, as I was sitting on the runway last night I was playing around with the detail setting, and I saw that the farther to the left the slider moved the denser the trees became etc... to the point that it actually hid a few players from view.
If this holds true for each player, then that would mean players using less detail have more of a chance of spotting GV's etc...
if I am in a GV and think I may be hiding in under the cover of trees, I may well be out in the open for some players... is this correct?