Author Topic: F4U-1 vs Hurrican't  (Read 2602 times)

Offline Howitzer

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2004, 11:13:57 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
even a blind dog finds a bone once in a while.  don't *you* have any films of your own?  why must dweebs like you always talk smack behind *others'* efforts?

you have no clue as to why i actually posted this film, but i guess you feel compelled to hump my ankle, as usual.

try harder.

I don't run film... You got owned... you are running out of excuses, keep shrugging it off.  I know why you posted it, so you could pat yourself on the back and call peole out in public.  I really don't care about your little pathetic quest to embarrass folks into flying like you do.  Just another instance where you knock someone over and over, you get your butt handed to you and you clam up.  I don't need to prove myself to anyone in this silly game.  You're the one that needs to try harder, cus your lame excuses and boring old comments are getting stale.  Take some time and write some new material and get back to me.  :aok   Take care dweeb wannabe.  :D

Offline Shane

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2004, 11:47:12 PM »

you sure seem to be trying hard to prove *something*

cheer up maybe you'll get the recognition you so crave one of these days.... you won't get it humping my ankle, or riding other's coat-tails, tho'

and again, assume whatever you want about my motivations for posting this - you'll still be wrong.

now go work on your rank a bit more, #10 just doesn't seem to be giving you that recognition.  
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Offline Stang

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2004, 12:58:13 AM »
See!  Proof the mighty P-40 PWN3s the Elgay 7!  haha!  Quah!  Fear it!

Damn if it wasn't Fubbie lmfao  :rofl

Offline MnkyMeat

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2004, 01:42:36 AM »
I have 1300+ films in my film folder   I dont think filling it is an issue


Offline Howitzer

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2004, 01:50:56 AM »
Originally posted by Shane

you sure seem to be trying hard to prove *something*

cheer up maybe you'll get the recognition you so crave one of these days.... you won't get it humping my ankle, or riding other's coat-tails, tho'

and again, assume whatever you want about my motivations for posting this - you'll still be wrong.

now go work on your rank a bit more, #10 just doesn't seem to be giving you that recognition.  

Ooooh checking up on me eh?  Thought rank means nothing, yet you always check that first when you talk to someone.  Just like you don't go after planes who are already engaged and "pick" them.  LOL recognition?  I'm not the one acting like he's the pope calling out all those who don't match up to him.  You are the only baby here sucking his thumb looking for people to pay attention to him.  Let us know when you grow up.

See, fub gives you a and you still want to belittle him after he handed you your butt fair and square...  Just like I thought, whiny little baby with a big mouth.  Go sit in your little corner shane, I'll point at you when I want you to talk again  :)

Offline Shane

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #50 on: December 30, 2004, 02:29:03 AM »
i always check roster and sort by rank when i log in to see if there's any "good" players that will be fun to look for.

you're jealous you're not getting any attention - it's the only reason i can think of for you to insist on hanging onto me like a dingleberry.

how do you figure i belittled fubs *after* he gave the ? reading is phundamental.

now go back to milking your stats. you seem to be the kind of fragile ego'd clueless seal who equates rank with "skill."
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Offline DieAz

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Re: <pout>
« Reply #51 on: December 30, 2004, 06:34:49 AM »
Originally posted by FuBaR
I dont ask  to be Crowned killer of Shane, Just  saying nice flying would make me happy.   Shane

To the DA Fubby. :p

Offline Seeker

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #52 on: December 30, 2004, 08:33:42 AM »
The irony is that the Dammed are a fighting squad (as much as we do anything together); not a strat squad; and we all highly respect Shane's flying.

It's just that Chief (who's Texan); regards Shane as some kind of funny import to Texas; Dano thinks Shane dresses funny; Chi says Shane doesn't dress himself; it's his mum's fault and Coach says that really Shane's from Oklahoma.

Group hug; everybody!

Offline Shane

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #53 on: December 30, 2004, 09:04:11 AM »
hah! you're all wrong!!  culero has taught me how not to dress at all!!

so the next time time you've been shot down, imagine...

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Offline SuperDud

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »
I'll throw in my 2 cents as a guy starting to get a hold of ACMs. My finding in the MA is that most of the newer players (1 year or less) have no idea how to apply ACMs. They never go to the TA, thinking they don't need it because they have a decent rank and can BnZ a few kills and run home. But if they ever get caught low and/or slow(or sadly even co alt) they have no idea what to do and either go into turn fighting mode or drop what alt they can for speed in an attempt to run. I did this very same thing my first week here but got tired of dying in turn fights(my P51 vs spits) and actually a little bored with it. And I can admit that if I get caught low and slow, 80% of the time I'm still dead, but at least I make the person work for it and every now and then I'll pull a nice reversal and nail them as they zoom in. The major problem is the MA has turned into a BnZ event. The new guys don't see any problem with their flying and figure if they get caught low and slow then it's their fault and it's just natural to get shot down. They don't realize there's a whole other world out there that doesn't result in death. One of the sadest things I've seen lately is the co-alt meeting. You'll meet co-alt, then get the HO attempt followed by the dive to run away or to friends. That really boggles my mind! 1V1 and they run? The point to this is most new players have no clue about ACMs because they jump right into the MA, get a grip for how to fly in there and presto, you have the BnZ HOer that is now the main group in the MA. If you vets see guys like this you should tell them that the TA and the DA really helps, or better yet, if you have time take them there yourselves. I tell players that all the time but don't think it gets any real consideration b/c I'm not a big name in the game. I bet coming from one of you would make a big difference. And as much as I bet he hates this getting out, Shane is just one of many that I have met in the MA that will stop what he's doing and go to the DA to help. While he's smacking me around it doesn't make much sense, but I later look at the films and I get it. Anyway, I've gone on long enough. Hope I didn't overstep my limit with this being a new guy but it's so hard to see this and not say anything. all.
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Offline lada

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Re: F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2004, 11:27:07 AM »
Originally posted by Shane

For your enlightment and glimpse into the wonderful world of ACM and E-management, I present:

sad thing is he probably doesn't even realize why he lost, which was merely using angles then speed to make sure he stayed out front.


whats that ?

another movie, where you got shot down by someone on HO by rocket ? :D

Offline Seeker

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Re: Re: F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2004, 12:46:32 PM »
Originally posted by lada
whats that ?

another movie, where you got shot down by someone on HO by rocket ? :D

That's a film I'd pay to see!


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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2004, 12:52:14 PM »
yeah ... MBirdCz did that.... he did meet P51 in tiffie and he had no ammo.... so HOed that P51 and on 1.5k he fired his last Rocket. and on 1K he saw hit sprite..... P51 was Shane.... since that time we consider him to be ultra dummy pilot :D

or when i were cruising in tempest under the dark sky and then i did hear 2 pings from .50 .... 2 seconds later enmy P51 flow infront of me.... so i showed him swiss quality from my wings.......  it was shane :D

Offline Shane

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2004, 01:10:26 PM »
this was, what?  2 years ago?  18 months?

you need to stop living in the past.   :aok
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Offline Howitzer

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F4U-1 vs Hurrican't
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2004, 01:23:01 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
i always check roster and sort by rank when i log in to see if there's any "good" players that will be fun to look for.

you're jealous you're not getting any attention - it's the only reason i can think of for you to insist on hanging onto me like a dingleberry.

how do you figure i belittled fubs *after* he gave the ? reading is phundamental.

now go back to milking your stats. you seem to be the kind of fragile ego'd clueless seal who equates rank with "skill."

Yeah whatever...   I meant you belittle fubs after this fight.  I see it all the time, and after he shut your mouth for you.  I guess I will take that attention comment as a compliment coming from the attention king.  The reason you see me in your "I'm the greatest posts" is because I think that you are so full of yourself that you enjoy making fun of folks who you shoot down, and calling out their mistakes to the world.  I really don't even care that you say you do it to make them better, cus this is just a ploy to make them fly like you want, just to make the game more entertaining for you.  Its alright shane, one day you'll wake up, and you'll realize you are the self-appointed king of a video game we all pay 15 bucks a month to play, and how sad that really is.  Hope it comes soon for you though, this alter superior personality you built for yourself can't be healthy.  Truly, depending how you look at it, you are probably the most clueless seal of them all  :aok