Author Topic: convergence settings question  (Read 2391 times)

Offline Mogi

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convergence settings question
« on: October 27, 2001, 08:58:00 PM »
New to AH (few weeks), played AW for a couple of years and got most of my kills between 400 and 650m.  Would it be best to set my gun convergence to such settings?  I tend to be a better shot than pilot, and rarely maneouvre in close to the default convergence settings for most of the planes.


Offline Soulyss

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convergence settings question
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2001, 09:18:00 PM »
The 2 biggest factors in figuring out the best convergence seem to be 1) personal preference and 2) what guns you're using.  

In the past when I flew strictly American planes with the 6 .50's I had my convergence set anywhere from 400-450 or so and could get good results at those ranges.  This was due to the excellent muzzle velocity and flat trajectory of the Browning .50 cals.  

When I started mixing up my plaen choice and flying German crates I had trouble hitting anything at those ranges with the slower firing 20mm cannon and brought my convergence in on those to 300 I believe it was.  

Now I'm back flying U.S. but I've brought the convergence in to 300 on those planes as well and it's amazing what you can do to a enemy aircraft with 6 .50's at that range and closer you can just shred things.  

If you have the patience, set your convergence at the max effective range of whatever weapons you are using (I'd say 450 for the .50's and 350-400 for cannon) and then try it for awhile and then move it in slowly as you get better.  Ultimately it's all about experimentation and seeing what settings give you the best result for your style of fighting.  Good luck.   :D

P.S. when flying planes with multiple sets of guns like the p51, f6f, p47, etc.  most people here I believe (and this includes myself) set all the guns to converge at a single point rather than stagger them at decreasing intervals like 350-325-300, etc. Hope this helps.

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Soulyss ]
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Offline Soviet

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convergence settings question
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2001, 10:14:00 PM »
It depends on the plane and your deflection shooting ability.

I find seeting any nose guns to 650 doesn't effect them at all cause they fire on your centerline (well pretty damn close to it).  I set wing MGs to 300 and Wing Cannons to 300.  Since i never fire except when up close (since i fly the 190 a lot now) Today i set the P47D-30s guns to 300 and tryed it, still was able to hit at long ranges (350-450 is long range to me) and when the got closer BOOM! I ended up getting 8 kills and made it back to base with minor damage

Try different settings out in H2H and see which works best for you.

Offline SKurj

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convergence settings question
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2001, 11:13:00 PM »
Your convergence point controls also your aim point to a degree.

If you set all your guns to converge at 350, when looking thru your sight using the handy dandy .target function, all rounds will hit roughly at your aimpoint at the convergence range.

If you are in a 109 for example with the 30mm gun, setting its convergence to 650, will likely put the shot quite high at 300 yrds

I set ALL guns and gun types at 350


Offline Swoop

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convergence settings question
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2001, 11:33:00 PM »
I like a long conversion point so that when I'm in close I can shot both wing roots at the same time.    :D


[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Swoop ]

Offline Am0n

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convergence settings question
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2001, 07:32:00 AM »
in my p47 i have 4-50's@400 and 4-50s@300. I tried all at one range but its a little bit overkill to have all your power focused at one point.

I find this more effective for me, i used to have them all set to 375 and theres little difference besides i can effectively have power in a wider area. Both setting are quiet effective though.

with my MGs set at this range i havent had a problem sredding someone at 500-100 with one burst, because any way you look at they are still being shot with 8-50s.

Its kinda pointless to put your convergence closer than 300 in a p47 because closer than that range all those flying 50 cals are going to shred what evers in the way reguardless.

Dont fly cannon bird cant really offer much info on those convergences.

Offline Drex

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convergence settings question
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2001, 12:55:00 PM »
Mogi the 400-450 range for your convergence should be real comfortable for you.  I use 450 and like the success.


Offline -ammo-

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convergence settings question
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2001, 01:47:00 PM »
I like to get real close. Now, if havent figured out, this is mostly personal preference and how you percieve the results.

I set mine in my Jug to 300 yds and it just plain shreds the enemy at convergence. when I am in a spit, I have my convergence set to 250 yds. I only use the 303's with both spits.

I just prefer the shorter ranges. Incidentally, I die too much to collisions :)
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Offline SirLoin

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convergence settings question
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2001, 03:31:00 PM »
In my spit,I set mg's to 550 for "spook" ammo,and my cannons to 300 for when he turns.<S!>

Offline Am0n

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convergence settings question
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »
Ive been kicking this around in my head since pondering the most effective convergence for a BNZ ac, mainly the manly 50 cal shooters.

Wouldnt it make more sense to stager the convergence of these guns?

i say this because if your flying right(bnz) your are closing on your target quickly and you can have a converged hitting patern covering a broader distance. As apposed to having supreme power for the .01 seconds that you are at "400" if they were all set to 400.

If your turn fighitng you would want to have them converge at one point since you wont be hitting and skipping.

just my thoughts, what does anyone think?

Offline SKurj

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convergence settings question
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
I don't really think so Aamon.  I think having MAX hitting power at one point is the way to go.
Lets take a 6 .50 cal armed plane.  What good is having 2 guns converge at a different point than the other 4?  Its not.. 2 .50's converged or not aren't gonna do much.
Having all 6 .50's converge at the same point:  When flying BnZ those 6 50's hitting one point at convergence stand a VERY good chance of doing crippling damage, while 4 may not.  When flying TnB, high closure is not desired, therefore a single convergence is fine.

In a JUG, I would recommend all 8 converging at the same point for the same reasons, and more.  In the JUG you want the first burst to be the last, ALWAYS!  Why take a chance by diluting your power?


Offline Mathman

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convergence settings question
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2001, 11:54:00 AM »
I used to have all my planes that use 50's set at 650.  I am one of those guys that likes to reach out and touch someone.  Also, since I usually fly one of the slower planes in the arena, it would give me a better chance of causing significant damage to a plane after I forced the overshoot.

About a month or so ago, I changed to 500.  This has done my shooting a world of good, and I love it, particularly the deflection shots.

The main thing, IMO, is find something that you are comfortable with, and stick to it for a bit.  If you change it all the time, you will never get a feel for when to open up on some poor soul who has made himself ready to meet his fate (well, virtual fate at least :))


Offline 214thCavalier

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convergence settings question
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2001, 01:56:00 PM »
.50's in the F6F at 275 works for me still get good hitting power out to about 500 after that its just tickle em to turn stuff.
Used them out to 600 before and still easy to get kills but in close when its dangerous i like to kill em quick with a snap shot at convergence.

Offline Lephturn

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convergence settings question
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »
Agreed Cavalier,

After much experimentation over man months, I eventually settled on 275 for all guns on the .50 armed planes.  In the Jug if I hit anywhere near 300 I get good snapshot results.  In an E fighter sometimes one snapshot is all you get, so I tune my convergence to make those count.  I found if I went out to longer distances, the snapshots were not paying off nearly as well.

Offline Am0n

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convergence settings question
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2001, 05:01:00 PM »

I find with mine stagered i get more kills booming in on someone. but i do suffer a loss of power when im saddled on someone. since i dont like to sadle anyone while flying a jug i use them staggered.

Ill have to switch um to all pointed 450 and see if what you say is true for me, ive had mine stagered for a while now and just recently it seems my gunnery in general improved so that could have been the problem before

the staggered formation just makes sense to me though. as you close in you got converged hits from 400 to 250 insted of one converged hit (more powerful though) at 400.

now that i think of it seems like it would almost be a balance of power, because you either get one quick big hit or a drawn out big hit. the quick hit would be more effective because you may not have enough time/aim sollution to have the long hard hit.

ill try out your advice.

[ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Am0n ]

[ 11-01-2001: Message edited by: Am0n ]