Author Topic: What do you guys think?  (Read 722 times)

Offline FiLtH

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What do you guys think?
« on: January 17, 2005, 04:34:40 PM »
Due to the good response from the mission we (rooks) ran with the knights last saturday some good ideas have sprung forth. One from Chris3 was to get every country involved. His idea was to rotate duty for the "defending" country. Run a mission every two weeks, on saturday night and have the attacking countries play the part as the allies. Either USAF one country, and RAF another, the third being the Luftwaffe, or we could do Pacific setups with USN and Aussie units against the Japanese.

       We'd keep it very simple, no slots to fill, just go join a mission. The people who made the missions would be your flight leaders. The targets would be benign such as the main cities. The USAF would have a different target than the RAF to keep wide separation between them to avoid "friendly" shootdowns.

       The attacks by each allied team could also be staggered some we could allow time for RTB and rearm of the defending team.

      Although we know the nature of the MA, and realze some people dont want to be involved, or play along with others doing this, the last mission showed that the majority did, and we all had a good time regardless. I think if we do this a couple times, folks will get used to it and it could become a fun addition to the way we play in the MA.

      Squads would be able to operate as units, with a specific task, planning could be done 2 weeks ahead of time. I think it would be friggin awesome :)

      Tell me what you think please !


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2005, 04:58:10 PM »
I think you have some great ideas going. I just think this belongs in the SEA. Espedia;y on Saturday nights.
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Offline mechanic

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« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2005, 06:53:01 PM »
so simple, play it in the Back up MA as mentioned by others.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2005, 10:47:48 PM »
Is the backup arena going to be open all the time? The problem with moving arenas is usually alot of people dont read the forums and wouldnt even know this was happening.

  Points dont matter to me, but they do to some. The backup doesnt save scores.

  Jackal can you give me your reasons for not having it in the MA? (Im just asking..nothing snide here from me) :)


Offline Vudak

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« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2005, 11:13:12 PM »

If someone is that concerned with points or scores, they really have no business in an event like this, as points and scores are far from the objective.

Also, if you go into the MA and spam away about an hour before it starts and keep popping in and doing the same, in addition to posting on this bbs, I'm sure you could get decent numbers.
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2005, 11:44:32 PM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Squads would be able to operate as units, with a specific task, planning could be done 2 weeks ahead of time

After the dice game and the movie, pretty much all of us are drunk..

I don't know if it will work.

I'll try to get a word in at the clubhouse meeting before it gets ugly..

..or ??

When the chocolate cupcakes are served. They're always vulnerable when salivating..

No promises tho

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Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2005, 05:26:08 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH

  Jackal can you give me your reasons for not having it in the MA? (Im just asking..nothing snide here from me) :)

  Yea, sure. No problem bud.
  There are a few reasons I believe need to be taken in consideration.
  #1 would be the load and strain it puts on the MA. It seems that when you have that many people upping and playing in the same area it has the tendency to lag the whole arena and cause problems.
  #2 would be the confusion it causes.   Channel 200 Textwise it`s a nightmare.
  #3 would be that it promotes ill feelings between players as allready witnessed. Ingame and here on the BBS you get the "Player XXX is a %$##@ and a #$%@ because they tryed to ruin the event, etc. As witnessed before,  even in memorable flybys, no matter how much you spam text ingame to try to make it clear what`s going on, there are players  who don`t get the message. There are some who are not tuned to channel 200.
  #4 would be that with the TV commercial running we are getting an influx of new players everyday seems like. Most of the new players come into the game without a clue, but are all excitied and eager to learn and play. One such situation as mentioned above could cause some of these players to leave the game and not return.
  #5 would be the MA is supposed to be three countries somewhat equaly involved in gameplay. This immediately puts the countries involved in an event at a distinct disadvantage numberwise as far as gameplay is concerned.
  #6 would be that I completely fail to understand  why you would not wish to hold this in the SEA or at least in any other arena besides the MA. That`s what the speciality arenas are there for. I realize  that you stated earlier it was because the players loved the MA. So why would you want to disrupt gameplay as it is setup for the MA? Seems to me that players in an event are focusing entirely on the event itself and would have no interest in MA gameplay.

  I`m not trying to be a burr under your blanket here as I believe you are doing a great job trying to get the players that enjoy events something special to look forward to. I also know this takes a lot of work . It`s just that ,IMHO, it goes against everything gameplay wise that the MA is setup for.
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Offline syncrII

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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2005, 05:40:01 AM »
Moin im chris3

i think, a event must be in the MA because we cant get these great numbers of players in SEA, for example if the last event had started in SEA i had never hered about it and many of the playas too.

cu chris3

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2005, 08:24:06 AM »
Jackal thanks for taking the time to write that.

   As for the load on the arena, Flossy seemed to think its not that much an issue. Besides that any future launches would be staggered. Flights launching different bases.

  Ch 200 is what it is anyways :) Most any night you could be tuned to it and be turned off from the game. I told people as we were playing and I saw stuff on the text about "Hey yer ruining the event!" relax, we knew we couldnt stop it.  Any future event in the MA would be unruinable(word?) as it would be designed much like regular play, but with structure.

   If i saw the commerical, and by chance came in here the night an event ran, Id be thrilled! And probably want it all the time!

  All three countries would be involved. It would only happen once every two week for a couple hours.

   The main reason is player awareness. My feelings are a small percentage actively read the forums. To most in the MA, that is the only part of the game. By bringing it to them they experience something cool they normally dont see.  Chris' post above is an example. If nothing else, its a prepper for TOD if it ever is released :)

    I have made the layout for the next event and will post it for you to review soon. Let me know itf it fits the MA more as an MA style of play than a pure event.


Offline Raider179

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« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2005, 01:32:47 PM »
Awesome event!!! keep it up Filth, Dont worry bout those who  dont follow the rules of the event. Thats what fighter cover is for. We had several 262s and 152 engage way ahead of time and  I believe most if not all of them got pounced.

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2005, 03:41:08 PM »
Ive posted info on "On the Sight II" in the Special Events General forum. If you arent sure where it is, its a few lines down from the one you clicked to get here. :)

  Tell me what you think.



Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2005, 09:47:31 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Jackal thanks for taking the time to write that.

   1.  If i saw the commerical, and by chance came in here the night an event ran, Id be thrilled! And probably want it all the time!

 2.  The main reason is player awareness. My feelings are a small percentage actively read the forums. To most in the MA, that is the only part of the game. By bringing it to them they experience something cool they normally dont see.  Chris' post above is an example. If nothing else, its a prepper for TOD if it ever is released :)


Excuse the number editing. :D

1.  The point I was making concerning the commercial is ...if you saw the coomercial, downloaded the game and logged into the MA for the first time more than likely you wouldn`t know what an event consisted of and more than certainly would not know to tune to channel 200. So ...if you upped a plane and was wandering around trying to figure things out and you see this big ole pile of enemy planes, you would probably jump for joy and try to engage. Then the "you $$%$% idiot this is an event blah blah blah" ....and the "thanks tard,etc etc blah blah blah blah" stuff woudl come. A lot would log off and say to H with this.

 2. Player awareness for those who don`t read the BBS could be solved for this event just as it is for every other event held in another arena.......Go to the MA an hour or 30 minutes before event time and announce the event and the time a few times.
  As far as being a prepper for TOD. I totaly agree that it is. There lies another reason to take it to another arena. The MA is not TOD and myself and a lot more could care less about TOD. Not interested. I`ve never been much of a box gamer along with many more. That`s why were in the MA to begin with.

  Just some thoughts.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2005, 09:49:41 AM by Jackal1 »
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Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2005, 09:59:43 AM »
Jackal go check out the special event forum. You'll see it isnt so much of an event as it is regular gameplay, just with a little structure. Im sure ,many will up any plane they feel like using, its just a way to get groups of missions together, with a bit of a goal thrown in. Plenty of targets, you cant frown on that :)


Offline TheDudeDVant

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« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2005, 10:07:12 AM »
Great idea FiLtH! Man, I saw you guys organizing last Sat. night but I had to kick it our w/ some friends.. Maybe can make the next one!

Keep it in the MA.. I believe you will get the best participation in the MA>. After all, thats what it is for.. Teams to have fun in..

Hope to join you on the next route!  


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2005, 10:15:26 AM »
Originally posted by FiLtH
Jackal go check out the special event forum. You'll see it isnt so much of an event as it is regular gameplay, just with a little structure. Im sure ,many will up any plane they feel like using, its just a way to get groups of missions together, with a bit of a goal thrown in. Plenty of targets, you cant frown on that :)

  Good luck to ya.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.