Author Topic: 2.02 bug list  (Read 689 times)

Offline flakbait

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2.02 bug list
« on: January 30, 2005, 04:14:53 PM »
Small stuff:

Particle smoke from all guns starts out as a blob and gets smaller. It should be the other way around i.e. starts out small and gets bigger. In the case of GVs the smoke should project away from the muzzle, not simply hover around it.

Engine start smoke on single-engined AC should be blown aft by the prop wash more. Currently it swirls right behind the cowl on the F6F, and the Il-2 blows it all paralell to the wings.

GV dust trails should be increased in height. Right now they look like flat, brown trails shot out from behind a jet-ski.

PT boat bow spray should be moved forward somewhat. Since the bow doesn't come up to get the boat on step, the spray is currently too far aft of the water contact point.

Big stuff:

SBD aileron trim indicator is still reversed, and starts out with full right (indicated; actually left) aileron trim.

SBD stars and bars on the left wing shows through fuselage.

Shell casings on GVs are ejected in a vertical orientation. They should be spit out with the casing horizontal. This is a large over-sight. Casing color should be more towards brass instead of OD green.

P-38G salvos rockets exactly like the 38-Lima. The rockets are fired in the same strange salvo pattern (one l/r, then two l, two r, etc...), from the same wing origin point, with the same weight imbalance from two rockets more on one wing.

Flakbait [Delta6]
« Last Edit: January 30, 2005, 06:42:01 PM by flakbait »

Offline flakbait

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2.02 bug list
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2005, 09:59:03 PM »
B-26 engine nacells are still allowing objects to be seen through them at LOD #2. The aft-most stars and bars, ammo roller tracks, and dorsal turret can all be seen through both the left and right nacells. Then again, it might be a problem with those individual parts and not the nacells.

B-26 #1 prop lower prop blades are transparent when you bend the prop back.

Bf-110, B-26, and Me-163 cockpits are STILL being whited out by muzzle flashes from firing the nose-mounted guns. Ordinarily the flash doesn't bother me, but when I can't read the insturments because of it, it becomes a problem.

Tank tracks and wheels are stopping completely when making hard turns or when moving across steep grades. This also stops the dust trails left by GVs now.

Flakbait [Delta6]

Offline rpm

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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2005, 11:29:46 PM »
110 G-2 fuel gauge needle missing. ME-163 rpm gauge inoperable. Since the engine is a rocket, shouldn't it be a thrust gauge?. Panzer wants to roll when parked on incline. Shouldn't it hold position or have a parking brake?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2005, 11:33:16 PM by rpm »
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Offline moto61

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Getting booted
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2005, 12:17:44 AM »
I can no longer take out an Osty and have yet to fly the new P38s.  When I hit a launch button for these 2 I get booted out of the game. The game completely shuts down.

on the changes though. The sky is awsome.

Offline SCDR

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« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2005, 12:56:49 AM »
IL2s being able to shoot thru total tree cover to take out osti
turrets. IL2s being able to shoot thru buildings. I mean come on,
this is getting stupid.

Are you trying to force people to fly instead of using gvs?


Offline Wolfala

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« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2005, 07:28:25 PM »
38 all models - gear retraction animation. Gear retracted into the booms and clam shell doors close on them instead of waiting for them to retract them close. Minor, but hey.

the best cure for "wife ack" is to deploy chaff:    $...$$....$....$$$.....$ .....$$$.....$ ....$$

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2005, 11:07:44 PM »
Bf-110C/G cockpits are whited out by muzzle flash. Plus neither has separate needles for the RPM and MAN gages.

A-20G/Boston elevator response is instantanious to inputs even at wing-breaking speeds.

Flakbait [Delta6]

Offline XrightyX

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« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2005, 01:02:34 AM »
Originally posted by SCDR
IL2s being able to shoot thru total tree cover to take out osti
turrets. IL2s being able to shoot thru buildings. I mean come on,
this is getting stupid.

Are you trying to force people to fly instead of using gvs?


Not trying to start an argument...just a little reasoning here.

Foliage vs 23mm from a diving Il-2...winner?  23mm from a diving Il-2.

I wouldn't want to stand in a forest of redwood trees if you were going to be firing rounds (any type) at me.  Poor German gun operators in an Osti probably don't get much protection from a tree.

As to the buildings:  Depends on whether or not they've been destroyed.  If they are charred cinders, don't count on any protection.  23 mm plugging through a buff hanger and taking out an osti that would be something to fix.

Just my thoughts,


Offline rabbidrabbit

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« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2005, 07:47:49 AM »
GV dust trails should be increased in height. Right now they look like flat, brown trails shot out from behind a jet-ski."

Actually,  in real life , in normal/wet environments there is no dust trail at all.  Simply, there is track marks on the ground and lots of chunks being tossed in the air.

In dry environments, the vehicle is followed around by a large cloud.  Ever drive a truck or car down a dry dirt road?    Not that all this really matters..  it still looks better than before.

Oh, when brass ejects it often tumbles out at all sorts of angles

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2005, 12:09:47 AM »
Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
GV dust trails should be increased in height. Right now they look like flat, brown trails shot out from behind a jet-ski."

Actually,  in real life , in normal/wet environments there is no dust trail at all.  Simply, there is track marks on the ground and lots of chunks being tossed in the air.

In dry environments, the vehicle is followed around by a large cloud.  Ever drive a truck or car down a dry dirt road?    Not that all this really matters..  it still looks better than before.

Oh, when brass ejects it often tumbles out at all sorts of angles

It may look better than before, but it could look better still with a bit more tinkering. We don't have rain or mud, just dry ground, so the dust trails would look better if they were ramped up in height. As for the brass, it doesn't tumble out of the ejection port standing straight up. It either flies out horizontally, or flips out horizontally. It can not pitch up 90º between the bolt and receiver and pop out in a vertical orientation. Hence my request for a fix, as this behavior is entirely unrealistic.

Flakbait [Delta6]

Offline rabbidrabbit

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« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2005, 10:06:40 AM »
the ejection angle depends on the weapon system so if it really matters one would have to take it on a case by case issue.  Some are more erractic than others.  For example, an m-16 series from a1 on has a brass deflector which will send rounds careening off in all sorts of ways.  Ejection isa violent reaction while the weapon is in  significant motion.  This causes the cases to come out in all sorts of ways as they leave the weapon system.  Others are the same, some are not

  I'm pretty sure that we don't have any "dry" tiles yet.  Everythign I have seen has been green, hence I'll assume grass/weeds.  From personal experience I can tell you that under those conditions your opinion is incorrect.  With tracks you will see one of two things.  On grass or other non dusty terrain you will see a sort of small rooster tail of more concentrated debris somewhat similar to what you see now with other bigger chunks flying up and out in all sorts of directions off the tracks, primarily off the backs. So, if they made it more chuncky debris with higher randomness, especially getting tossed high off the backs of the tracks they would be straight on.

In dusty conditions you don't see bigger rooster tails like you say.  The backs of a vehicle create a vacuum that pulls the  disturbed dust along with it.  The only rooster tail effect you will see is the heavier chunks getting ripped up but it mostly looks like one big dusty lingering cloud following you about.

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2005, 03:39:18 PM »
I'm well aware of how rounds are ejected from different weapons. None of them can spit a shell casing out vertically while the weapon is aimed horizontally. Not even the Mg-42. Hop on the Tiger and fire off a blast from the pintle gun. The ejection port is under the gun, but somehow it spits casings out from the side of the receiver standing straight up. It's not so much the location that bugs me, it's the orientation. The case head (primer end) should face the shooter as it ejects. Some additional randomness in the way they tumble would also be a nice addition. Unfortunately it looks like an animated sprite was used for the casings.

Yes, I've seen the same behavior, too. The film Proof of Life has an excellent example of that very phenomenon during the opening credits. A BMP driver floors it and chunks of mud go flying. It's also a nice example of the suspension system at work, as the whole rear of the Bimp squats down dramatically. I will readily admit I'd love to see the type of trail left change based on the terrain tile you're driving over. Dirt roads could leave a dust cloud behind the vehicle, while driving on dirt throws chunks in the air, and farms could toss corn stalks. It'd be nice to see, I just don't know if HTC will do it.

Flakbait [Delta6]

Offline flakbait

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2.02 bug list
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2005, 01:43:22 AM »
A few more for the list...

Opening the text buffer causes a huge snag in the game, comparable to what skins loading caused.

Yak-9T 37mm muzzle flash can be seen through the airframe lengthwise.

P-38 dive brake light does not function at all.

Flakbait [Delta6]