Originally posted by vorticon
when was the last time a knife missed its target and killed a bystander?
Problem with that thought is a knife probably wouldnt have missed its target and you would still have one person dead.
It just wouldnt be the bystander.
But really you think criminals are worried that they are breaking the law if they have a gun?
Ummm they're CRIMINALS.
USING a gun or simply being in possession of a gun while committing a crime carries a harsher penalty even if its not used and they do it anyway. You really delude yourself into thinking that they will care if guns are illegal? That they are going to say
"Guns are against the law so I wont use it to try to rob this convieniance store"
All it does it take away the guns from people who the vast majority of them never have or will ever use it to commit a crime with. And the real criminals will still have guns.
It will also put all the power in the hands of the criminals, and the government (who are sometimes one in the same)
And ask us to put all our faith in the government and police to be able to protect me.
Sorry But both have shown an inability to do so.
The Police, God bless em all, do their best Im sure. But they are more often then not a reactionary force then a preventing one and they only actually prevent a miniscule amount of the crimes that are actually commited each and every day.
As my father used to say
"When the government cannot protect the people. the people must be allowed to protect themselves"
Well, they cant. and we should.