Author Topic: 500 Knights down!  (Read 1808 times)

Offline Furball

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500 Knights down!
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2005, 04:35:48 PM »
hehehe this thread made me wonder how many of each i have killed this tour...

Bishops - 218
Knights - 290
Rooks - 335

Kills as:-

Bishop - 231
Knight - 332
Rook - 280

pretty even eh? :D  yeah ok... im a dirty side switching traitor...
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline tatertot

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« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2005, 06:01:15 PM »
geezez  this wasnt a insult until sled wroteloved flying with all of them stoney dedalos glove you really wanna know thre truth  just ask ill tell.              :aok  and if anyone wants 500 kills i only charge 14.95 a month

Offline 2stony

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« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2005, 07:06:53 PM »
Original thinking was to go back to knights.. and the USMC ..was hoping to see some changes...but having serious second thoughts!

     I didn't think this was a flame either, but read what you may into the quote above. Sometimes it's not intent, but what is perceived on the other end.


Offline wombatt

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« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2005, 08:09:17 PM »
Look like em or not 999000 and tatertot are a force to reckon with.
I say to you both but keep the attitude in check because it really does cheapen your abilities.

Offline 999000

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« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2005, 10:23:45 PM »
Glove the core talk was not started be myself....I personally found it offensive...I don't believe in entitlement  on a team or squad. Just my thoughts, not saying it right..... If there is one person who comes closest to entitlement its my good friend B52G a true war hero having flow some 400 mission in Vietnam...He is above all a gentlemen who I have the utmost respect for . Dedious is a very worthy fighter pilot..and soemone whos's humor is twisted in the most delightful way.. I love it. Stony I miss.. he always felt like a brother bomber pilot..on the same plane playing for the same reasons.  USgrim is simply the best commander in the game.....just my opion.

For all those that want to take a cheap shot ...hey its yours to take!

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2005, 10:36:40 PM »
Only 500??? Gimme a call when you hit 1000 and g'luck to yah :D.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Sled

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« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2005, 11:03:18 PM »
This is my last post on this thread. (applaud if you whish :-)

999000 wrote:
Just one question.....are you one of the "Core" group of USMC?

This post, and the rest that followed, were an attempt to Rope me (fighter tactic) into an open discussion of this subject on this BBS. He should stick to bomber tactics. I have said all I need, to 9, through his e-mail. He has chosen not to reply to me privately. He wants me to discuss this on the open BBS, I won't. This was a privet matter between me and 9.  But he won't discuss it privately, and I won't discuss it on this BBS. So I guess that's the end of it.

It is a matter of class and tactfulness.

For the record, I think both 999000 and Tatertot are good guys. They have been squad mates of mine off and on for over 2 years

9 your welcome to the last word.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 01:44:25 AM by SLED »
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Offline TBolt A-10

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« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2005, 02:02:27 AM »
wow, i didn't realize just how bitter the Nits were about losing Triple 9'er and tater.  :eek:

Offline 2stony

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« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2005, 10:51:46 AM »
No matter what has happened with this, I do miss the low level buff missions into an enemy base.(Ride of the Valkryie playing now) Balls to the wall, dropping the eggs and then trying to survive the bees that were stirred up when the nest was destroyed. 999000, that is what I miss most since your departure. I rarely go in low anymore, and because of that(I guess), I'm getting better at calibrated drops. We might have to train some newbies in the art of low level buffing now that you're gone.


Offline Gloves

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« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2005, 01:23:03 PM »
Originally posted by 999000
Glove the core talk was not started be myself....I personally found it offensive...I don't believe in entitlement  on a team or squad. Just my thoughts, not saying it right..... If there is one person who comes closest to entitlement its my good friend B52G a true war hero having flow some 400 mission in Vietnam...He is above all a gentlemen who I have the utmost respect for . Dedious is a very worthy fighter pilot..and soemone whos's humor is twisted in the most delightful way.. I love it. Stony I miss.. he always felt like a brother bomber pilot..on the same plane playing for the same reasons.  USgrim is simply the best commander in the game.....just my opion.

For all those that want to take a cheap shot ...hey its yours to take!

999000, true the Core talk was not started by you - nor was it started by me or the majority of the squadron.  However, you were the one who brought it up on the BBS in this post and that's where I have an issue.  I understand why you found it offensive - with good reason.  If you received all of the emails, you also found that it made our CO mad as hell and he dealt with it.  I'm sorry you didn't receive that email.  If I still had a copy of it, I would forward it to you.  

As a member of the USMC since the days of AW, I want to again reiterate how I feel about all USMC wings (hence referred to as 'the squad').  If you were the first person in the squad or someone who just signed up today, you are USMC - period.  I hope you felt I treated you that way when you and Tater were members.  If not, then I understand your comments and I apologize for not making you feel like I respected you.

Because I consider this an internal issue with the USMC, I won't be discussing it any further on the BBS.  If you would like to discuss it through 1 to 1 email, I'll be glad to comply and I promise to keep all comments respectful.

I have found flying with you and against you a very fun time.  I have high respect for both you and Tater.  If being Rooks is what you consider fun, have at it.  It dosen't change my opinion of you guys.


Offline brendo

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« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2005, 04:25:06 PM »

I sound like smarte. hehe

Offline FBRaptor

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« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2005, 08:16:43 PM »
LOL.....This is simply crazy!!!!
999 just posted this to stir up BS with the Knights...plain and simple. He now has this little vendeda against the knights cause some of us stepped on his lil peepee and he didnt like it so he lashed out, stirred the pot, started some name callin, insulting, threats against knight etc, etc,etc. Then come the BBS posts to keep the pot stirring, and stirring, and stirring. Geez, 999, got some advice for ya.....just freakin get over it~!!!!!! Thats what I was saying the night u got mad and left. Just get over it!
Please stay Rooks because you are more fun to kill than to fly with ok? :0)
Yes you are a great bomber pilot, but then, so are many others that are great in bombers, fighters, gv's, pt boats...u get the point. Many of us do not care where you fly, just stop telling us how lame the knights are and keep on killin us :0)
You may have goten 500 knight kills but I would bet odds that knights have killed you more :0)
See you in the air.......I wont be the one on your 6......I will be on your 3oclock low :0)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 08:18:52 PM by FBRaptor »

Offline navajoboy

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« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2005, 08:41:09 AM »
ill take credit for 3 of the 50,000! :aok :aok :aok

navajo24 :p
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Offline Grits

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« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2005, 09:09:33 AM »
Well, I dont know what this is all about and I hate to see any squad have problems, but I can tell you as a Rook I am very happy to see the Icon "999000" in green instead of in the text buffer like this:

SYSTEM: 999000 shot you down you tard!


Offline iKo

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« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2005, 05:55:53 PM »
Glade to have you guys as rooks dont care if you get any kills just like flying with good people not good stats. It all in fun