The battle last nite was awesome,LustHawk Squad won both engagements.
4Wolf was the bigger shooter in the tiger battle.
Everything went really well,glad the supplies were hooked up for us.We had a couple of young kids in there that thought it was time to mess with everybody ,but they got the point well enough.
Sunday's training has been pushed up to 8 P.M. eastern time so that everyone can have a better chance at attending.It seemed as though alot of people needed some Manuvering training,even the guys with alot of experience could use some practice.I believe that a group of Tankerz that knows how to manuver properly can take down a group of well experienced tankers that cannot manuver .That was demonstrated in the T-34 Battle,the strengths of the T-34 are that it can shoot very well on the move where as a panzer and a tiger cannot.After talking to redrum after the battle was over he said alot of the guys on his team didn,t really grasp the idea of manuvering in the HEAT of battle,even though we were outnumbered 8 to 7 we still pulled off a flawless victory.
Now too the real subject on my mind....
After the T-34 Battle a well known tanker by the NAME of GETSOME said that Budcore fired 3 shot's by the time he had fired 1.
GETSOME was one of the last tanks to be killed in that battle.
He had over 4 people shooting at him including myself,there is no way in hell that he could fire that many shotz in that ammount of time,GET had like 4 people taggin him,but really what gets me
is that he has told me many times that he is a dead on shot with the T-34,and that he has killed a tiger with a t-34.
But when someone of what some would call a "Lesser Caliber" player kills him he accuses him of cheating.
That reminds me of JAVA45 calling 1Skypig a "STICK Stirrur"
for shakin him off his tail twice,when someone doesn,t have it there way they start the cheating comenntz.
Now i personally have nothing against GETSOME he is 1 hell of a guy,but in these battle we are conducting i would really like it if everybody acted as a Gentleman and took thier A** whoppin like a MAN and say i'll get him on the next go round.
Too all the new guys who showed up <<
We will be having the same amount of fun on sunday as well.
Too all the Regulars who showed up <<>>
I would like to see more people in there sunday because the manuverability techniques is where it's at,that i believe is the key to winning a TANK Vs. TANK Battle.
Hope too seee everybody there <<>>