Originally posted by Squire
I would have to ask what makes the 109F-4 go 40mph faster than a Spit V with both types having similar hp engines and clean lines.
Maybe because the 109F
a, has cleaner lines - just look at radiators, nose etc.
b, MUCH smaller - less drag
c, engine putting out more HP at altitude.
Why no other a/c book has ever given 410 mph as the top speed of the 109F-4. Why do many a/c book note the 109G as a 386mph plane, when REAL life tests give at 413mph plane? Maybe the books are wrong?
Why no book on the LW has accounts of LW pilots in the JGs discussing how the Fw 190A-3 was no faster than the 109F-4. There are such books, but you never read them.
"The FW 190 A-2 is not as fast as the Bf 109 F-4... etc" - qoute from trials between the two types in Rechlin, 10th December 1941...
Why the 109E-4 does 355 mph with an engine that is 1100 hp DB601A and the 109F-4 gets a 50 mph increase? in speed with a 1350 hp DB601E? an increase of only 250 hp. Those tail struts on the 109E-4 must have had some major drag I guess huh? Perhaps because the E-4 didn`t need 1100 HP to reach 355mph, for reason a, 1100HP was a special WEP, speeds are listed for 990HP. reason b, the 601E had much better altitude output than the 601A.
The Spitfire L.F. IXc with a 1650 hp Merlin 66 engine could reach @405 mph, I find it somewhat questionable that a 109F-4 could get that with an engine of 1350 hp, to say the least. Spitfire was one of the most draggy fighters of the war - and MUCH larger size than the 109. Looky again on the radiators. They were bad enough on the MkV already. Smarty brits doubled them on the MkIX.
Sorry, but somebodys physics do not add up. This is in the same category as the claims of the P-38L doing 440 mph and a lot of other overblown speed claims by those that are big fans of one ac type.
I can see an overboosted "speed trials" 109F-4 doing that speed, just like a Spitfire V, but not an operational fighter. Trouble is the 410mph figures is the official data used by the LW. For some odd reason, I trust the hard evidence over your denial.