Author Topic: II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"  (Read 817 times)

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« on: March 06, 2005, 02:22:49 AM »
Here's something I'm working on.  Not sure if it will get accepted since I only have one profile to go off of for the aircraft.  I made a totally historical version so the tail is edited for right now.  The lower half of the fuselage and the wings are still in work.  The lower half will have a mottled paint scheme using the same greyish black paint.

Anyone know how to change the spinner?

« Last Edit: March 06, 2005, 02:25:53 AM by Cobra412 »

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 03:06:00 PM »
New update.  Adjusted forward fuselage panel lines and cleaned up the paint scheme on the upper fuselage area from front to back.  The lower half may have to change to RLM 76.  I'm using a particular variant of it and it just doesn't have that teal sky blue look to it.  

I still have to work alot texturing, lower half of the fuselage painting and acces panels, upper/lower wings(panel lines and paint), and weathering.

Offline rogerdee

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panel lines
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2005, 04:06:00 PM »
its  going well cobra   if you go to the  skin site i think here  is  panl lins for the 109 there to help  save you a lot of  time  and they are there too help

490th battling bulldogs

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Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2005, 04:21:25 PM »
Thanks Roger.  I've got a bunch of panel line references for the airframe.  It's taking a long while because of how I'm doing the panel lines.  I'll make them then go in to the game and adjust them to fit the 3D model properly.  

I added some of the camo just for reference.  Once I got the panel lines lined up properly I adjusted the camo and rechecked to see if it looked correct compared to the profile I have.  It took me almost an hour to get the canopy rail paint lined up properly along with the panel lines for where the canopy opens and where it's physically put together.

I also just found the right RLM color for the main body and the bottom of the wings.  I also got the antenna up top to be its own color.  I'm about to start the mottling and then start on the wing panel lines and painting.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2005, 04:24:38 PM by Cobra412 »

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 04:57:00 PM »
Is this correct for mottling?  Plus a new base color.

Offline rogerdee

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 05:00:49 PM »
looks pretty good to me  but  then i am not  a expet  like greebo  oboe  and kev

its   hard work  doing  panel lines  especially  adjusting them so they are right.
wait  till you get to a skin with lots  of  stretching  and other problems  ;-)

490th battling bulldogs

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Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2005, 05:20:03 PM »
Roger this one is far from being done.  I've got along way to go.  I've spent quite a few hours on it already.  I haven't even started adjusting the panel line color and opacity yet.  I also haven't put in a drop shadow affect for the panel lines.  I also need to adjust the paint on the top side of the fuselage to look like paint opposed to a pefect gloss cover.  

Needless to say it's nowhere near being done yet.  I really doubt it'll be accepted anyway.

Offline rogerdee

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2005, 05:27:53 PM »
if  you think it  wont be accepted because  of  something  on the  skin tht  you cant change  becasue hiteck made it that way  then you are wrong.
all you need  is  info on aircraft some where  thay can check it  and hiteck  take in to consideration  the  limitation  to  there  skins  .

i know its  not finished  and you have hours to go  i have  many the same  ,can  only do a bit  at a time  and time files when you gt  imersed in doing  something.

 part  of  doing skining is enjoying  it  if it starts  to feel  like  work  then hve  a break for a few days  and come back refreshed.

 the skin is looking  really good

490th battling bulldogs

it does what it says on the tin

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2005, 05:32:40 PM »
I don't think it'll be accepted because so far all I have is one profile that I'm going off of.  I was hoping Crump or Truekill would have some references for this particular aircraft.  The other thing is that the plane is a U4.  That's something we don't have the option of for armament loadouts.

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2005, 10:33:32 PM »
Update. Basic patterns and rough panel lines.  It's definately a night fighter.  Too bad we don't have nights in here anymore.

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2005, 12:27:08 AM »
Nothing real different other than all the common panel lines are complete on the bottom of the fuselage now. New rim and tire.

Offline nopoop

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2005, 12:03:57 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
I also just found the right RLM color for the main body and the bottom of the wings

Use that number as a reference but trust your eye Cobra. Looks good.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2005, 12:24:02 PM »
Thanks Nopoop.  I just thought of something else that is gonna be an issue on it though.  For starters the Luftwaffe markings on the bottom side of the wing is going to mirror.  That might not be to much of an issue since the profile I'm using shows it that way.

What will be an issue is all of the decals on the sides of the plane and the tail number 6131.  This are definately going to mirror.  That means the tail number will be backwards and the decals for servicing ports ect... won't be able to have their designations like C3 or 87 written in them.  Same goes for some of the other lettering that is placed on the fuselage areas too.  

I just hate doing something half arsed or having it look half arsed.  The tail is bare enough as it is without the historical markings.  I can either put the tail number in and have it be backwards or leave it out and have it look extremely bare.  I guess that will mean I'll just have to do something in that area that distracts the viewer from noticing something is incorrect or missing.  Only thing I can think of is doing some nice shadowing on the rudder surface and possible adding some other kind of emblem.  Or I can scrap it and go to something else (profile) and see if I can make it work.

Offline Vudak

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2005, 05:40:19 PM »
That's a really nice 109 you've got there Cobra!

As far as the numbers on the tail go, haven't other skinners simply changed say a "7" to an "8" to avoid that issue and gotten it in?  I realize there's something that irks the heart about doing that, but is it a possible solution?

I really like it either way...  You have to love the camo on the fuselage and also the wings (its always nice to have a cool looking wing view from inside the plane).

Keep up the good work :aok
352nd Fighter Group

Offline Cobra412

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II./JG52, Bf109-G10/U4 "Yellow 9"
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2005, 12:59:54 AM »
Thank you for the kind remarks Vudak.  Here's another update that took me awhile to get right.  This is the right wings radiator inlet.  Previously the inlet louvers covered the front area of the radiator housing.  After looking at some photos there should be some brace areas on the left and right of the housing.  Basically about 3 inches thick then it goes back towards the radiator.

I still have to make the louvers look as if they are inset within the radiator inlet housing itself.  I also have to make the front side of the housing and door look like they have some kind of curves to them.  The door may not be to hard but the housing just to the left/right and to the front of the door will be a pain.  That area actually curves off towards the front of the wing.  All of those shading details will be done later on.  


I'm still tweaking every last line.  Making sure they can't go any farther left, right, up or down without smearing onto another object.  I know on the sides of the inlet housing that the panel line was at an angle but the is the best I can do.  If I tried to make it look angled back it would smear and each pixel would cover the whole side of the housing from where the line started till where it ended.

Back to work for me.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2005, 01:02:36 AM by Cobra412 »