Originally posted by mosgood
I'm just curious, what do you do at the Biochemical Physics Institute?
Are you a researcher? Scientist? janitor? Maybe you are someone that is "In the Know" with this stuff and I would just like to here how you come to say that you know the "end all truth".
No "end of truth", sorry
Now I work in an IT department, before our department was created - I worked with people making statistical analysis of Chernobyl data, helping them with computer stuff. Our leader was a "liquidator", spent several months in Chernobyl.
My curriculum vitae is quite funny, but somehow typical for my generation. Studied to be a weapon engineer, had to quit uni and work, ending here in Academy of Science, as a classic "Soviet engineer"
It's funny how people like to believe in "deformed babies" and other media horrors... That's my main point here. Media makes stuff that sells good, and in case of a film mentioned in the beginning - they succeeded.