Finally got my adventure in Scapa Flow.
After drowning near the main Southerly Entrance, I figured I'd take the long way into Scapa Flow. I restarted my saved game, and Headed Around the Islands.
I timed it right so it would be dusk when I approaced the Small Inlet on the WNW side of the Island Port.
Unfortunatley I was spotted by Aircraft, and Had to dive outside of my objective. 2100 I surfaced again, I just entered the Inlet and proceeded East, Within minutes I was attacked by Swordfish.
I dove again, and surfaced almost an hour later. It was finally dark enough to continue on the Surface. Wrong! Here come the Swordfish again and to top it off an Elco Torpedo Boat is circling my last known posistion. Dive again and navigated between the First Small Island. Around 1130 I surfaced again and put her on All ahead Full.
I spot some Coastal Bunkers and Guns, But no ships yet. I finally make it into the Large body of Water of Scapa Flow. All of a sudden a shell rings down in the water ahead of me. ALARM! I pick up a few Sound Contacts, but there outside of the harbor down by the Main Entrance. I raise my Periscope and scan around, all sorts of contacts appear. Two Aux Cruisers and the Illustrious. I posistion myself 6oo yards off the CV, She goes down with Four Torpedos, Then everything comes to life, But the Destroyers are searching the wrong spot. Then as quickly the came to life, they stop, I guess the search is over.
Then I put two into the Aux Cruiser, She starts to list and limp away, Out of Bow Torps, I turn around and give her an ugly Aft Shot, Almost 45 degrees, but it hits and the Cruisers Magazine Explodes and the rounds inside Cook off shooting into the Night.
By 630, I cleared the Inlet Entrance and headed back out to sea, Time to go home

Will finish that up tonight.