I love America too. Maybe I should invade. Then I could set up a proper government.
Toad would give me advice on the finer parts of American living and would have to speak with an upper class English accent and spend a lot of time with a dog at his feet, drinking cognac by a fireplace.. Lazs and Nash on the nitty gritty stuff; they would be Advisors To The King And Dudes That Make Stuff Happen. Siaf I'd keep as a pet and see if I could get him to mate with other pets. Maybe female ones if he is obedient.
I'd make Airhead Foreign Minister of Domesticl Affairs and chief technical officer of USA Inc.
Of course I would have to import Saw to head our Anti-Intelligence Agency. Anti is harsher than Counter, so it's gotta be better, right?
Beetie I'd use for creating a Resistance Movement Maverick, Storch and the other republicans could hunt down. I'd arm both factions generously with Paintguns.
Ripsnort would be in charge of Religious Affairs. Only caveat is that he must get Minus to write all religious material.
Man, it's gonna be fun