Author Topic: 1.06 Patch 2 Released  (Read 1133 times)

Offline Pyro

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1.06 Patch 2 Released
« on: March 29, 2001, 12:52:00 PM »
A new patch is out.  The 1.3 MB update is available from our download page or through the autoupdater.

Aces High 1.06 Patch 2

The radio bar now has drop-down boxes to easily tune channels.

Players not in a mission may now view available missions while in flight.  
However, players must still end their flight and go to the Map room to join a mission.

CM's may now lock the SE arena.

CountryCanFly variable now enabled for CM's.

CM's can now disable kill messages and scoring.

CM's radio channel now shows up in turquoise.

CM's now have a new observer view mode that allows them to move
anywhere in the world and watch what's happening.  This is
controlled using key F5 from the tower.  This is enabled for
H2H hosts and offline play as well.

Disabled ordnance can now be deselected from the PT boats.

Fixed a film viewer crash bug.

Fixed a bug where planes and loadout graphics were invisible on CV's.

Fixed a crash bug with max flights in Mission editor.

Terrain bug in the PT boat corner of the Dueling arena is now fixed.

Channel 3 (room channel) text no longer displays to enemies.

Fixed a damage bug on the lancaster's tail that would leave the
vertical stab intact when the horizontal stab was destroyed.

Added an attack option on the Yak-9T.

Striking the Yak's prop on the ground now kills the engine instead
of just causing an oil leak.

Changed the propeller shapes on the Ta 152 and Fw 190D-9.

Fixed bugs with icons disappearing from gunner positions on
B-17, Lanc, and TBM.

Made bug fixes and enhancements to cloud layers.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations