Author Topic: how high?  (Read 1220 times)

Offline rabbidrabbit

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« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2005, 09:08:38 AM »
I don't really care.  I'm simply pointing out a weakness in the design model.

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2005, 10:03:06 AM »
Fish, I understand your frustration. The crash landing model is way too generous.

Recently, I was chasing an La-7 down to the deck, I smacked it and it pancaked at 500 mph +, the wings ripped off and it slid to a stop and the pilot got a ditch... Almost any contact with the ground at that speed should be fatal.

Likewise, I smacked a Zero with my IL-2 on the deck. It spun in inverted from 100 to 200 feet up. the pilot got a ditch. This certainly needs to be fixed.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Fish323

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« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2005, 03:23:00 PM »
Thanks widewing, thats all I'm saying. The consistency is off, as I would be able to show with the film (20mm cannons had explosive rounds, planes didn't just fly away) if someone would tell me a good compression codec to use.

My score is not tied to my bank account, but why play a game if not for the score? Obviously the lemmings have a problem differentiating a question with an obsession, so I'll just let it go. If I want an itelligent answer I'll see if I can find the Sesame Street BB.

Am I alone in thinking that Captain Virgil there is getting a bit too worked up over this? Forget deleting the account, he should probably avoid the BB if he is going to get so worked up over a post.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2005, 03:25:25 PM by Fish323 »

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2005, 09:52:37 AM »
Originally posted by Fish323

My score is not tied to my bank account, but why play a game if not for the score? .

Oh I don`t know, fun maybe. If the game ever got to the point that I spent time worrying and biatchin about score I would quit and never look back.

Am I alone in thinking that Captain Virgil there is getting a bit too worked up over this?

  Probably in the minority I`d say. This statement coming from you is almost comical. Your constant ingame voice and text cussing fits on every aspect of the game is what I`d call " getting a bit too worked up".  " Hitech`s ******* BS" seems to be the staple of your vocabulary.
  The nasal , whining, screaming, cussing fits on vox at your squaddies for everything from vulching the plane you wanted to vulch to giving them the benefit of your cussin vocabularly because they are bringing troops to a base that you wanted to Goon after you were finished vulching, I`d call "getting a bit too worked up".
  So, no I`d say in the scheme of things Virg pretty well hit the nail on the head.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2005, 09:58:19 AM by Jackal1 »
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Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2005, 11:11:21 AM »
awww SNAP!

From what I've heard, a great score get's you the girls. It can also get you discounts at your local grocery store!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2005, 11:14:53 AM by SuperDud »
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Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2005, 01:43:07 PM »
I have a friend who talked to aircrew man whose B-26’s wing was blown off (by flack, if I recall) at a couple hundred feet.  All or most of the crew survived after the bomber spun to the ground and skidded forever shedding the other wing and stabilizers.  It might happen a bit too often in AH, but it definitely happened for real in WWII.



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« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2005, 02:28:11 PM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
I have a friend who talked to aircrew man whose B-26’s wing was blown off (by flack, if I recall) at a couple hundred feet.  All or most of the crew survived after the bomber spun to the ground and skidded forever shedding the other wing and stabilizers.  It might happen a bit too often in AH, but it definitely happened for real in WWII.


Thats not really the point. In AH that B26 wouldnt have counted as a "kill" if the ditch was in friendly territory.

If you ditch in enemy terriotory the guy who shot you gets the kill and you record a death.

If you ditch in friendly territory the guy who shot you gets nothinhg and you record a ditch.

So there are two issies, one of surving crashes which is IMO a bit too generous from my experience flying an IL2 against vulches. And the second one, of not getting a kill if you force somebody down in their own territory.

And as to that second point I'm sure we all agree that in WW2 flaming an enemy and forcing him tocrash land even behind their own lines still cpounted as a kill in every air force..

An additinal issue I noticed is the problem of fire, we have oil damage impair you visibity severaly, but a fire does not have any effect until the end?

That could be adjusted, no?

Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2005, 05:02:02 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Thats not really the point. In AH that B26 wouldnt have counted as a "kill" if the ditch was in friendly territory.

If you ditch in enemy terriotory the guy who shot you gets the kill and you record a death.

If you ditch in friendly territory the guy who shot you gets nothinhg and you record a ditch.

So there are two issies, one of surving crashes which is IMO a bit too generous from my experience flying an IL2 against vulches. And the second one, of not getting a kill if you force somebody down in their own territory.

And as to that second point I'm sure we all agree that in WW2 flaming an enemy and forcing him tocrash land even behind their own lines still cpounted as a kill in every air force..

An additinal issue I noticed is the problem of fire, we have oil damage impair you visibity severaly, but a fire does not have any effect until the end?

That could be adjusted, no?

I agree, but I think that these “survivable” uncontrolled crash landings in friendly territory fit the AH kill/ditch scheme the way that it has always been.  Most of us have “ditched” countless planes that would have been a total loss IRL.  They count as a ditch because they went down 10 miles from a friendly base yet were 15 miles from an enemy base.  Even water ditches count the same as parking an intact plane 5 feet from the runway.  

It would be more realistic to count any plane as a kill when it has been damaged beyond repair.  But then there’s the issue of the pilot’s survivability…  Is a kill the loss of the pilot or the plane?

Perhaps ˝ a kill should be awarded for damaging an enemy plane beyond repair and another ˝ a kill for killing (or capturing) an enemy pilot.  I’ve never understood the AH kill/ditch logic: ditch at sea 10 miles from a home base – no negative reflection on your K/D, bail from your plane over a home base – counts as a death against you K/D.  Either way, the pilot makes it home and the plane is lost.



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« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2005, 05:20:37 PM »
Any ditch anywhere should be a kill to the guy who shot you or forced you down in that fight.

Offline culero

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« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2005, 07:37:04 PM »
On an unrelated note: (well, OK, its related ;))


Who cares what score you got for pissing somebody off? They're pissed off, aren't they? Isn't that the more important point? At the very least, shouldn't it be?

I'm serious here, let The Hate flow free and ye shall be fulfilled :)

culero (its all gud)
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Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2005, 08:25:55 PM »
Totally ignoring any score implications there is a fundamental problem with the way ground/object collisions are modelled.

I was messing around offline in a D pony and after a little while I had to turn off the 'puter.  I decided it would be fun to plow into a hangar rather than try and land.  I dove down across a field at around 400mph and aimed right for a hangar, impacting it just above the doorway.  To my surprise the plane hit the structure, continued through the "solid" walls shedding all appendages and then skidded along the ground on the other side still travelling at a very high speed.  It gradually came to a halt but I wasn't in the tower.

Although the plane had been converted into an unpowered sled I didn't have so much as a pilot wound.

This is so wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to list them...

Obviously this is related to the fact that many crashes that are survived in the game and lead to ditches would be completely and utterly fatal IRL.

Offline tactic

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« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2005, 09:37:49 PM »
It is funny to see the plane you just fired up with your guns burst into Flames, parts missing, plane totally out of control, plane  hits the ground, crashes into trees , does a nascar flip over job , then tumbling to a stop ,  the guy hits tower and disappears .  LMAO!! ..

Look to see if the  kill shows up and nothing,  This only makes the guy that just got shot down happy.  And I've been one of those guys on both ends.
In the same hour of being on AH,  I've spawned a tank to enemy base then desided not to go and nobody shoots me I hit tower and some guy in the area gets a proxy  kill.   Then if i got pinged and went to tower he may get the kill, then he may not.    not consistant for sure.  I dont care myself,  just stating facts.

Every one playing this game has their own little agenda,  thats why we all are here playing this game.   So whether your here for Getting the best Score you can, Running with Squads, Flying Planes, Driving Tanks, Flying Bombers, PT boats, M-16, Osty, ship Guns, Field ack Guns,  Doing your own thing for your enjoyment,  More power to you all.  

Hey man, if you like to Rank high and want to look up your score and see your rank and that makes you happy , Cool!  You want to be the best fighter pilot and kill everyone on AH , Cool!  Want to be the best bomber blow everything up, Cool!  Drive tanks and destroy everyone elses turret, Cool!  on and on......  Its your choice! Enjoy!  .  they usually have updates comming to resolve most of the major issues, just takes time.    Its cool!

Offline humble

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« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2005, 09:59:29 PM »
If I recall correctly Gabroski (sp?) clipped his prop on a JABO run and clue how fast he was going when he ditched but bet he was going close to 400mph when he dinged the prop...

I have no clue why the game awards a kill for a "ditch" on enemy turf and not if your on the friendly side of the magic line. As for the 20mm BS your simply wrong....a plane is mostly sheetmetal. Very possible to survive multiple hits in non critical area' could land 4 x 20mm off convergence with nothing but holes...or 4 in one place and saw plane in half.

I'd say 15% of my "victims" ditch...and gee...I get a ditch about the same percentage of the time. Usually when i'm low and slow right after take off and some noob cant finish the job:)

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Offline Warchief

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« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2005, 01:53:00 AM »
OK if Aces High is suppose to mirro actual damage to the aircraft here is my twist to it. If a plane is on fire then you have set his fuel tanks on fire. I dont know about any of yall but it doesnt take long for a fuel tank to go BOOM!!! Speaking of the a6m aka Zero it was mostly made of magunism which is high flammable and is why so many were lost.

Now ditches modle needs a complete overhaul. Have you ever noticed you make an emergency landing at a ield and you are still at the field but most of your plane is on the grass but you get a ditch and sometimes someone gets a kill. So I suggest Hitech remodel if you are forced to ditch by an enemy con then it is a kill if no one is around then you get the ditch. If you make to your field and land there and a part of your plane is off the runway then you should get successful landing or at least that is how they do in the wordl even today.

Offline eilif

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« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2005, 01:59:04 AM »
thats how it is in practicaly every other sim  i play, if they are forced to ditch that is a kill, i thought this was a given, and ah put the kills in your score but just didnt count them when you were landing kills. odd i must say, this is a great example of "the game" invading our sim. some things you just dont mess with.