My current system:
AMD XP200 1.66 CPU
512 RAM
MB Gigabyte GA-7 Nvida nForce 2 AGP
Radon 9200 vidio
Last year my MB and power supply died so I got the Gigabyte mb and a 450 watt power supply.
This is what the guys at my local shop suggested I do to upgrade. They have been pretty good to me and I want to do business with them.
CPU AMD Sempron 3000+ RET $114
another 512 of RAM PC 3200 $107
Powercolor Radeon 9600XT $185
They will charge me $35 labor, so after taxs I am looking at $500
which is in my budget.
My question is, is this enough of an upgrade over what I have or should I just wait and spend more money later.
Thanks in advance.