Author Topic: Latest News  (Read 836 times)

Offline Pyro

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Latest News
« on: December 16, 1999, 09:49:00 PM »
There are no further releases planned for this week.  

We're now getting into the detailed modeling of plane characteristics.  Up to now, much of this has been a generic placeholder until the detailing could take place.  This will be accomplished one plane at a time and I should have a good feel for where we're at by the end of the weekend.  

HT's been working on game details.  He fixed the sound system so that individual planes can have different customized sounds.  He added smoke trails for fires, fuel leaks, and oil leaks.  Structural limitations were added for airframe, gear, flaps, etc.  Plus other little things here and there.

Ronni's been working on various admin applications like information tracking and getting the billing system written and setup.  

Yankee's working on documentation in addition to keeping the office running.

Natedog has been working on the Bf 109F-4 3d shape and only needs to finish the paint job on it.  The paint scheme is JG2 for those interested.

Superfly is working on the B-26 3d shape.  It's coming together nicely.  After it's complete, he'll join Natedog in working on variants for awhile.  The variants will add some quick diversity to our plane set and then we'll switch back to producing all new planes.  However, none of these planes will be released until the aforementioned modeling changes are completed.  We'll put up some screenshots to tide you over when the time comes.  

The next major feature we're planning is ground vehicles, but we've decided to not start on that until after we polish off the current details.  

We've received word that UUNET is and Savvis will be doing major upgrades to their systems.  This may have an adverse effect on your connectivity to us until the changes are complete, after which, things should be improved.  These changes are scheduled to be be completed by 12/21.  

We had our company Christmas party last night.  Things are going really well for us and we'd like to thank everyone for their support and wish you all Happy Holidays.  

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

"The side with the fanciest uniforms loses."