Author Topic: Any plane any time ?  (Read 573 times)

Offline bmw

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Any plane any time ?
« on: March 30, 2005, 11:20:18 AM »
Brand spanking new to the forum and I have not yet downloaded the trial but is this SIM where you can fly any plane at any time or is is period restricted?  In other words - can someone be flying a FW190 against say an H75 ?  If so...then how does it balance out?

Offline Dinky2003

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Re: Any plane any time ?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2005, 11:27:17 AM »
Originally posted by bmw
Brand spanking new to the forum and I have not yet downloaded the trial but is this SIM where you can fly any plane at any time or is is period restricted?  In other words - can someone be flying a FW190 against say an H75 ?  If so...then how does it balance out?

No restrictions unless you're in the Combat Theater or in a Special Event.

I'm not sure if this would be considered a restriction though, perked planes.  Some of the planes you have to buy with perk points you earn through successful sorties.  Although most of the planes aren't perked, which is why I don't really consider it a restriction.

Offline bmw

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Re: Re: Any plane any time ?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2005, 11:40:47 AM »
Originally posted by Dinky2003
No restrictions unless you're in the Combat Theater or in a Special Event.

The combat arena is where the main game takes place?

Offline Dinky2003

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Re: Re: Re: Any plane any time ?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 11:43:39 AM »
Originally posted by bmw
The combat arena is where the main game takes place?

No, the Main Arena is where everyone is usually at.

Offline bmw

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 11:54:45 AM »
So in the main arena where the game takes place you can fly whatever you want?

The only reason I ask is because I actively play WW2OL and fly there.  There is aircraft progression on both sides depending on how bad our factories are bombed and what is researched.  So both Allies & Axis start out with tier 0 planes which sort of makes it an "even" playing field so to speak.  Axis cannot be flying the FW190 -vs- D520 at the start of a map that can last 3 months.

I think you see what Im getting at.  Just try to get the lay of the land so to speak. Is there a website that explains the gameplay?

Offline Panzzer

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2005, 12:10:33 PM »
Originally posted by bmw
So in the main arena where the game takes place you can fly whatever you want?

There are different arenas. The Main Arena is where you can fly whatever you want, then there is the Combat Theater with historical setups (limited planesets, setup changes every friday). Then there are Training Arena, Dueling Arena and finally the Special Events Arena where Special Events are organized.

Is there a website that explains the gameplay?

Hitech Creations Help pages.
Panzzer - Lentorykmentti 3

Offline JB73

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2005, 12:10:47 PM »
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Soda

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2005, 12:12:10 PM »
All you need to do is search the forums on "rolling planeset" and you will see a pile of threads discussing the merits of controlling plane matchups vs. not.  The MA (Main Arena) is the primary place people fight, it's completely free-form, you can get P51D vs P-51D as each "side" has access to all the aircraft.  The CT (combat theatre) is a little more structure in plane matchup but still fairly free-form in terms of goals/action.  A new arena/game called the Tour of Duty (ToD) is in the works and appears to be more restrictive in terms of plane availability and missions/goals, according to HTC and posts that have been made.  No ETA on that yet.

Some very high-end aircraft are generally restricted in the MA, things like the Me262 jet, but overall the "average" aircraft is probably in the mid-late 1944 period.  You can fly something earlier war and it will be seriously out-classed in most cases although to some people that is just part of the challenge.  There are also exceptions to the rule, some aircraft are just more "useful", specially suited to gameplay, or have a historical element that attracts people.  You'll probably find that 90% of what you encounter will be about 10-15 different aircraft though, there are certainly some that are very common.


Offline DaddyAck

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2005, 03:54:55 PM »
Yeah, prepare to fight a milion niks and lalas:D
Me personally I prefer ju-88 and 109E-4, but hey I am weird :aok

Offline maxxius

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2005, 12:52:58 PM »
yep u shure are.....:D

Offline DaddyAck

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2005, 01:12:42 PM »
Hey man, YOUR not supposed to agree to the whole weird thing. :p

Offline maxxius

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2005, 01:13:47 PM »


Offline DamnedRen

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Any plane any time ?
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2005, 08:11:21 PM »
Originally posted by bmw
So in the main arena where the game takes place you can fly whatever you want?

First of all, Welcome to AH2. :)

Yes, the Main Arena (MA) is where most of the action is.

No, while there are many planes you can fly when you first walk in the door, other planes require points to access and fly. The points are earned by your shooting down planes. The lsit of these planes (called perked planes) is relatively short. You can fly any plane that is available in the game by going into the Training Arena (TA) and chosing it. The TA is also available to help you get your views and controls setup. You will also find oout the planes are fairly accurately modeled for performance. Weight (ammo and fuel loadout) does make a difference, gun convergence plays a role, the guns you chose, aircraft energy management, tactics, views, being able to fly on the ragged edge of the flight envelope plays a role. The game is very flight sim intensive but offers rewards for fighter skills. The learning curve can be steep but the game is exciting and fun.  

The only reason I ask is because I actively play WW2OL and fly there.  There is aircraft progression on both sides depending on how bad our factories are bombed and what is researched.  So both Allies & Axis start out with tier 0 planes which sort of makes it an "even" playing field so to speak.  Axis cannot be flying the FW190 -vs- D520 at the start of a map that can last 3 months.

In the AH2 MA you pick a plane, say a P-51D and up from your field. You then fly to enemy territory and you'll will find it very easy to look across the sky and see the enemy is also in a P-51D. So you are not limited to an allied or axis plane.

The MA is made up three opposing countries. Each country shares borders with the other two so the "war" is normally across two fronts. MA numbers are up around 550-600 on weekend evenings and normally between 470-550 on any week night.

Objectives are many to each individual. A main country objective is to capture x number of one countries fields so you "win the war". However, as mentioned above, you can drive and engage in tank battles, bomb fields, participate in taking fields, run a carrier group, do fighter sweeps, engage in furballs or individual dogfights. There are many Squadrons in AH2 so you're never alone if you chose that route or you can be a loner if you enjoy that also. The game is very diverse with many players/squads paricipating worldwide. Hope this helps

I think you see what Im getting at.  Just try to get the lay of the land so to speak. Is there a website that explains the gameplay?

I have already seen the help posts so i wont add to it for now. You probably have most of the flying skills for the game and just need to acclimate yourself to this flight model. Come on by the TA and we'll help you get set up