Author Topic: Version 1.08 Released  (Read 1138 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 1.08 Released
« on: October 04, 2001, 04:55:00 PM »
Version 1.08 is now available for download on our downloads page.  If you are auto-updating, do not use one of the beta versions to log in or it will force you to download the much larger base installation instead of the patch.

Aces High Version 1.08 Changes

Note:  Version 1.08 requires DirectX 7.0a or a later version of DirectX to be installed and a DirectX 7 compatible video card.

Automated trains, truck convoys, roads, tracks, supply points, and a resupply system have been added to Aces High.  Details on these items can be found in our help section or through this link:

Supplies can now be dropped on a field to repair the field or shorten the downtime.  The C-47, M-3, and LVT-2 have this capability.  Field supplies will repair or shorten the downtime of all objects within 1 mile of where it is deployed.  It cannot be used to repair enemy owned objects or objects from the field it originated from.

A second supply type has been added to repair and resupply vehicles with ammo.  Vehicle supplies will repair and rearm friendly vehicles when dropped within a half mile of a vehicle.  When a vehicle is in range of a supply drop, the vehicle driver will see a rearm button that can be activated to repair/resupply his vehicle.  Vehicle supplies will disappear when used, when destroyed by the enemy, or when 15 minutes has elapsed since they were deployed.

Added the M8 “Greyhound” armored car.  

Added the following planes:  Me-262, Hurricane IIC, Hurricane IID, F4U-1, F4U-4, and Mosquito Mk VI.

Added increased environmental 3D sounds with Doppler effect.

Added detailed ground textures.  This feature can be toggled on and off with CTRL C.  

Ground clutter is now collidable and can no longer be turned off.  Ground clutter objects show up in the same positions for all players and can be used for cover.  Created new ground objects for the terrains.
Added a "Show enabled models only" checkbox to the Clipboard in the Hangar.  This will hide plane and vehicle selections that aren’t available for use.

Added a "Resend Password" button to the Clipboard on the Login screen.

Changed airfield layouts.  Maprooms are no longer located directly on the airfield, but are now a short distance away.

Added checkboxes and sliders for Arena Settings variables.  This makes it easier to configure arena settings.  Removed unused arena setup variables from the menu.

Added the ability to enable planes for certain countries at certain fields.

Added double click capability to the Change Terrains terrain list.

Added admin system variable, "TaskGroupCommandCnt", to limit the number of Task Groups a player can command.  CM privs override the limit and allow a CM to command all Task Groups.  If "TaskGroupCommandCnt" is 0, only CM's can change the waypoints.

Added fuzes to all bombs.  A bomb will not arm unless it’s traveled 1000 feet.  This translates to about a 100 foot drop at 250 miles per hour.  The faster you travel, the less altitude is required and vice versa.

Added ability to have different traverse rates for gunner positions.

Initial login screen now has a timer and cancel button.  If the first connection attempt fails, a prompt is presented for an alternate route.

Floating gunsight pippers have been added.  A new default gunsite has been added as well.  If you are using a custom gunsight, the .bmp file needs to have a one pixel border of the transparent color or it will tile.  Gunsight .bmp files must be 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, or 256x256 pixels.  If an invalid size is used, the gunsight will appear solid white.

Increased the maximum number of airfields in a terrain from 64 to 255.

LAN play has been added to the H2H mode.  This option allows you to play H2H over a local network without having to connect to the internet.

Added the ability to rename and delete films in the film viewer.

Increased joystick button support from 16 to 32.

Added a hotkey for radio 5.  The default key is Shift \.  If you’ve remapped your keys previously and want to use this function, you will have to manually assign it.

Added a slider in the Gunsights Setup menu

Fixed stuff
Voice coms are now password protected to keep strangers from joining Roger Wilco sessions from the GameSpy list.

Fixed a bug with below alt sector counters.

Fixed a bug where the sides of certain VH could not be hit.

H2H.MOTD will no longer overwrite the H2H host's message.  

Tailplane incidence in the Il-2 was reversed.

Altered stall characteristics of F6F.

Fixed a bug on numerous aircraft that caused engines to be damaged more easily.

Edited flight performance characteristics on the N1K2, F4U-1D, F4U-1C, and P-47D-11.

Fixed a bug in the halftracks that made them difficult to destroy.

Fixed a bug that sometimes made vehicle hangar acks undestroyable with certain weapons.

Fixed a bug with the radar setting that hides sector activity indicators when you’re below radar alt.

Fixed a bug with vehicle hangars that sometimes made hits look like misses.

Added a Disable Palettized Texture checkbox in the video setup.  This option is only for use if your video card causes icons to display with a black background.

[ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Pyro ]