Vulcan,...I salute your vigor in wanting this handled.
Nukes could have a severe impact on the rest of the world, not just the target they are aimed at.
Besides, I would love to see waves and waves of bombers, fighters and other means of destruction slowly, but surely, cleanse the land of this filth.
Some would say, we would be lowering ourselves to thier level. I say, there are some people that do not understand anything unless it has a bullet involved.
These cowards are just that type. They will not understand anything less than destruction. They will use thier own mothers, daughters, and sons as shields to hide from the onslaught, crying in the press about how bad Americans are to kill thier women and children.
Well, they threw down the gauntlet, now we must pick it up and beat them to death with it.
Make no mistake about it. I am one who firmly beleives in treating others as you want to be treated, but I also realize there is a time when the other guy has to be treated like an inhumane pile of dog excrement to get his attention.
This is no time to wimp out America, it is time for harsh, swift action. Nothing less will help absolve us of what we allowed to happen. We have tip-toed around this issue of terrorism long enough. Time to put up, or shut-up.