Originally posted by RTStuka
You have gotta be smoking something, those hits were just as hard as football and they didnt have any pads.
Hey question for anyone who knows the sport, I noticed every time a guy tackled the guy with the ball and we was wrestling with him on the ground one of his buddies would come up and slap him on the back a bunch of times, why is that.
Pretty much the same reason you see loaders on crew served weapons pat the gunners head when ready to fire.
"Hey buddy, all ready to go here"
Except in this case it allso means 'Get your arse up and ruck that ball back to me NOW!!'
It allso serves to establish state of consciousness after impact....if you hit him on the back three or four times and he doesnt move, you check for breathing and pulse etc.
Btw, allmost all of the footage on that clip is of Rugby League games, when you just say 'Rugby' that means Rugby Union.
True Rugby is far more violent than that, it involves metal spikes and faces, the two meeting a lot.